Super green pass work, government decides

The mandatory Super green pass for public and private work. The extension of the green certificate for vaccinated and cured is an increasingly concrete hypothesis. “I believe it is reasonable to extend the Super green pass to the workplace. It is a measure that can encourage vaccination”, says Andrea Costa, the Undersecretary of Health, outlining the next steps that the government could take shortly, in the Council of ministers that could be held as early as this week. “Up to now, the government has decided to take a gradual path and I believe that we will continue on this path” observes Costa in Controcorrente, on Rete4. “In recent weeks there has been an increase in new first doses. I think we can reach the extension of the Super Green Pass”, he reiterates. Read also About 19.8 million vaccine booster doses have been administered in Italy, as emerges from the latest report by the extraordinary commissioner for the health emergency. In total, the vaccine doses administered are 111.4 million in our country.
“The third dose offers an important protection against the Omicron variant, I think it was right to give a signal to citizens who have undergone the recall”, says Costa referring to the new quarantine rules, which lighten the framework for subjects vaccinated with the booster dose. “The situation must be monitored and we must proceed with caution, I believe that the latest measures go in the direction of managing the pandemic. Infections are increasing, fortunately there is no proportionate growth in hospitalizations and intensive care. We need to understand how many of these are. not vaccinated “, he adds. The considerations come at the end of the day characterized by 61,046 new infections and 133 deaths. The positives were detected on 278,654 swabs, a quarter of those of the previous day. The positivity rate jumped to 21.9%. There are 1,319 patients admitted to intensive care in Italy, of which 104 have entered today. There are 11,756 hospitalized patients with symptoms in the ordinary wards, 491 more than yesterday.The watchword remains’ graduality. “The Super green pass and the green pass were measures that allowed the country to continue the slow return to normalcy. In our country everything continues to be open, we have adopted measures giving time to” adapt to “implementation. has always characterized the action of the government. I do not exclude that the vaccination obligation can be introduced for other categories and that the Super green pass can be extended. The extension effectively eliminates the requirement of the swab from the green certificate, I think it is a measure that will alleviate the problems linked to the green pass for the territories, will create benefits “, he says. also hotels, outdoor restaurants, swimming pools, ski slopes. More specifically, Super green pass required to use local and regional public transport. From 10 January the enhanced green certificate will therefore be extended to hotels and outdoor restaurants. Until the end of the state of emergency, government sources explain, the use is extended to a series of other activities: hotels and accommodation facilities; feasts resulting from civil or religious ceremonies; festivals and fairs; convention centers; outdoor catering services; ski lifts with tourist-commercial purposes even if located in ski areas; swimming pools, swimming centers, team sports and wellness centers, even outdoors. The Super green pass will also be applied to cultural centers, social and recreational centers for outdoor activities.

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