Covid-19 – Duration of isolation, teleworking, tests at school, wearing a mask outdoors, gauges … What changes from this Monday – La Montagne

From this Monday, people positive for Covid-19 and having a complete vaccination schedule will have to isolate themselves for a period of time seven days whatever the variant, and this isolation can be lifted after five days in the event of a negative antigen or PCR test, provided that there has been no clinical sign of infection for 48 hours. The unvaccinated will have to isolate themselves ten days, with a possible exit after seven days. There is no longer a quarantine for contact cases with a complete vaccination schedule.

Are you positive for Covid-19? Are you in contact? Isolation rules are changing

Three or even four days of compulsory teleworking

The use of telework is becoming obligatory from this Monday for all employees for whom it is possible, at a minimum of three days per week and four days when possible. The same is true for civil servants. The Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne clarified that” a fine of up to 1,000 euros per employee “Whose situation is not in conformity” may be inflicted.

Three tests to be carried out for “contact case” pupils at school

The students are doing well on their return to school today. At this point, level 3 (out of 4) is maintained in elementary schools, like level 2 in middle and high schools. All the lessons will therefore take place face to face. When there is a positive case in a class, all children will have to perform a PCR or antigen test and two other self-tests on D +2 and D +4. In primary, if “a teacher is absent and pending his replacement, the students can not be divided into other classes,” said the ministry on Friday.

Jean-Michel Blanquer relies on the multiplication of tests in the face of the Omicron wave

Wearing a mask outdoors from 6 years old

The obligation to wear a mask, already in force indoors in places open to the public, is “extended” in particular in all city centers. Children from 6 years old are also concerned in a number of public places and transport, according to a decree published on Saturday in the Official Journal. Paris, Lyon, Villeurbanne, Tours, Périgueux, Sarlat, Toulouse hypercentre, Var, Charente-Maritime… In recent days, orders have multiplied to enforce the wearing of masks outdoors, in dense areas in particular.

The compulsory mask from the age of six in transport and certain public places

Eat or drink … It’s sitting or … forbidden

The consumption of food and beverages in bars and cafes “Can no longer be done standing, but only in a seated manner” and it will be prohibited in cinemas, theaters, sports facilities and public transportincluding long distance. The SNCF has promised to show “common sense and good judgment” concerning the ban on eating and drinking in public transport. Tolerance will allow you to quench your thirst and, for the most fragile, to eat.

It’s the return of gauges

The gauges are restored for major events: 2,000 people indoors, 5,000 people outdoors. Standing concerts will be prohibited. As for the discos, they will not reopen on January 6, but will remain closed for three additional weeks. Political meetings are not affected by these gauges, which has raised some protests in the artistic community. Grand Corps Malade or Julien Doré announced with humor their candidacy… for the presidential election. Some have renamed their tour to a “meeting”. But democratic life is also a constitutional principle.

Three months now for the vaccine booster

This has been the case since last Tuesday. The time limit for the vaccine booster dose has been reduced to three months, as recommended by the High Authority for Health. In addition, from February 15, the time to keep your health pass will be reduced to four months., announced Sunday the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. This period had previously been seven months. Last Monday, he admitted that resorting to a fourth dose of the vaccine was a “possibility”.

A vaccine pass on January 15?

The health pass should become a vaccination pass on January 15. A negative test for Covid-19 would then no longer be sufficient to access the places affected by the health pass (bars, restaurants, theaters, cinemas, museums, sports halls), it would be necessary to present a vaccination pass, that is to say – say to justify being vaccinated. Validated in committee last week, the law Project strengthening tools for managing the health crisis will be discussed from this Monday in the Assembly, then in the Senate on Wednesday.

Florence Chédotal

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