Smic, mortgage, pensions, radar cars … discover everything that will change in 2022 – Midi Libre

What awaits us for 2022? Lower taxes, revaluation of certain pensions, changes in standards in the construction of housing or the agrifood industry, or more anecdotal changes but which impact our daily lives … At the time of saying goodbye to 2021, Midi Libre is doing the update on what will change in 2022.


► Lower income tax

As of January 1, the income tax scales will be adjusted to take into account the effects of inflation. The tax brackets will thus be revalued by 1.4% for the 2021 income tax. The scale of the neutral rate for withholding tax will also be revalued.

► Last reduction in housing tax

The majority of French people no longer pay housing tax. But from 2022, households who have not yet benefited from its deletion may claim an exemption of 65%. Please note, this only concerns the main residence but does not depend on income. To calculate the reduction in your housing tax, a simulator is available on


► Extended free contraception

In order to facilitate young women’s access to contraception, full coverage of costs related to contraception will apply to all women up to the age of 25 from January 1. Until then, the measure only applied to minors. It is the Health Insurance which will cover 100% and without advance of expenses, the cost of contraception and the acts which are related to it (one consultation per year with a doctor or a midwife and the potential biological examinations ). 3 million young women are affected by this measure.

► Arrival of radar cars in Occitania

The deployment of private radar cars continues. Already present in eight of the thirteen regions of mainland France, they will now arrive in four new regions, from 2022 : Ile-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Occitanie, according to a document from the 2022 finance bill.

► Entry into force of the mobility pass

Inspired by the meal voucher, the mobility voucher comes into force on January 1. It will be issued by companies in dematerialized and prepaid form, precise Its objective: to enable employees to pay certain expenses linked to travel between their home and their place of work.

► Free drinking water in restaurants

As of January 1, 2022, establishments open to the public are required to be equipped with at least one drinking water fountain accessible to the public, “when this installation is feasible under reasonable conditions”, specifies the law. Restaurants and bars will be required to clearly indicate on their map or on a display the possibility of requesting free drinking water.

► Increase in the price of the stamp

A change of year rhymes once again with an increase in the price of stamps. The price of the green stamp, which allows delivery of a postal item within 48 hours in mainland France, will drop from 1.08 euros to 1.16 euros. The red stamp, for a priority letter, increases from 1.28 to 1.43 euros.

► A new 2 euro coin

The new two euro coin will soon hit the market. It will be put into circulation from January 1. The opportunity to symbolically mark the anniversary of the single currency which is celebrating its 20th anniversary, but also for the French presidency of the EU.


► Revaluation of the minimum wage (+ 0.9%)

This is not a boost from the state, but an automatic consequence of inflation which is accelerating in France. As of January 1, the minimum wage will rise to 1,603 euros gross per month for 35 hours per week, which represents an increase of 14 euros compared to October 1.

► Revaluation of retirement pensions (+ 1.1%)

Taking into account inflation, basic retirement pensions will be increased 1.1% on January 1. This revaluation concerns all basic pensions except those for lawyers. It will apply to pensions for retirees in the private sector, the civil service, special schemes and the self-employed.

► Real estate loans: the rules are changing

The state decided to change the rules in the allocation of mortgage loans for 2022. From January 1, the duration of the loan may no longer exceed 25 years. The debt ratio (part of a household’s income that may be spent on loan repayment) will drop to 35% against 33% until today, but will have to include the cost of borrower insurance.

► The extended disability compensation benefit

From the 1st, the maximum duration of allocation of the five forms of specific aid of the disability compensation service (PCH) will be set at 10 years. When the handicap is not likely to improve, the PCH will be awarded without time limit. This is provided for in a decree published in the Official Journal of October 29, 2021.


► End of the destruction of unsold non-food items

From January 1, unsold non-food items can no longer be destroyed by incineration. Electrical and electronic products, batteries, ink cartridges, clothing and shoes, furniture, hygiene and childcare products, books and school supplies are particularly concerned by the application of this provision provided for by the law on the fight against waste and the circular economy.

► Extended ban on single-use plastics

Initiated by the Law on energy transition for green growth, the fight against plastic for use will reach a new milestone in 2022. As of January 1, will be banned “the production of packaging or bags made from oxodegradable plastic, the retail sale of fresh fruit and vegetables in packaging plastic below 1.5 kilograms, except for certain products listed by decree n ° 2021-1318 of October 8, 2021, the placing on the market of non-biodegradable plastic tea and herbal tea bags “. This process was launched in 2016.

► New penalty for heavy or excessively polluting vehicles

In 2022, a new scale for the automobile penalty comes into force. It only concerns new vehicles registered from January 1. This ecological penalty is a tax to be paid when registering certain particularly polluting vehicles. At the same time, a new “weight penalty” will be introduced for new vehicles weighing more than 1.8 tonnes.

► Launch of France Rénov ‘

FranceRénov ‘is the new service set up by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Launched in 2022, it aims “to support households wishing to carry out energy renovation work in their homes”, specifies Designed as a one stop shop, it should make it possible to find all the information relating to energy renovation work.

► Internet and mobiles: more transparency on greenhouse gases

From 2022, internet service providers and mobile operators will have to provide their subscribers with details of the greenhouse gas emissions linked to their consumption. The objective of this measure is to make users aware of the impact of digital practices on the environment and the climate.

► Entry into force of the RE 2020 standard

In 2022, the environmental regulations for new buildings, called RE2020, will replace the current thermal regulations, RT2012. It will concern single-family homes and collective housing when the building permit is filed after December 31, 2021. From July 1, 2022, “office and educational” buildings will be affected.


► Online filing of building permits

From 1 January, requests for authorization for urban planning works must be recorded by the communities in digital form. This concerns in particular building permits, planning permits, prior declarations, town planning certificates or even declarations of intention to alienate. This measure stems from the law simplifying relations between the administration and citizens. Individuals and professionals will be able to connect via an online filing platform accessible from January 1. No need, therefore, to go to town hall.

► Mandatory residence permit for the British

The administrative development should concern some residents of the region. From January 1, Britons residing in France will have to apply for a residence permit and work permit. This measure is a direct consequence of Brexit. The exemption put in place since January 1, 2021 is coming to an end.

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