How does Matovic’s bonus for interest in vaccinations work? Szalay doesn’t have good news: Total loser! –

Lockdown for the unvaccinated, lockdown for all and the consequent release of measures for those who have been vaccinated or whether they have overcome the infection. Subsequently, the government decided to motivate the vaccination of older people in particular, who are most at risk of coronavirus infection. The proposal from the workshop of the Ministry of Finance changed slightly over time – the first Matovič proposed a reward for vaccinating a risk group in the amount of 500 euros, then it was a maximum of 300 euros and seniors had to pay attention to several deadlines. But how did these incentives work to motivate people to get vaccinated? The chief physician of the Bratislava region does not have very good news.

Archive VIDEO Matovic’s proposal to reward vaccinated pensioners with money in parliament also succeeded with part of the opposition

As he explained, the sample from their vaccination center is not representative. The Bratislava region operates vaccination centers – in Aupark, the Karlova Ves polyclinic or the National Football Stadium, but it also operates mobile vaccination centers, with which they travel to municipalities within the region. And he pointed out quite interesting numbers. “Older people were vaccinated here, especially in November. On November 6, 80 percent of those vaccinated were over 75 years old. On December 20, it was only three percent, ” Szalay explained, who also published a table confirming this. He admitted that at a time when a financial incentive was being received for people over the age of 60, there was an increase in those at risk for the third dose of vaccination.

Source: Topky / Maarty

However, he does not know whether it was due to the announced bonus or it was purely a coincidence. He pointed out that at that time they had launched an ordering system, with preference being given to the oldest. We give the first (and second) doses rarely. The discussion for this was that it was a lockdown for the unvaccinated, and that the Austrians were really misleading him. That brought us the most first-graders. When it turned out that it was just such a lockdowník (“bite the weakling”), the interest decreased, ” said Szalay. And really – at a time when a lockdown for the unvaccinated was announced in Slovakia and Austria announced a severe lockdown, interest in vaccinations increased rapidly. It was around mid-November when the table saw green spots in the yellow and red seas.

How Matovi's bonus works

Source: FB / Tomas Szalay

This shows a higher number of vaccines given. However, by the time the government and parliament approved a 300-euro bonus for seniors, such green spaces could no longer be seen – interest in the first dose is rapidly declining. On the contrary, over time, the interest in the booster dose increases – while in the case of seniors there are units or dozens of administered vaccines, in the lower age groups (especially today’s thirties) the interest grows. “The charts show strong vaccination days at the stadium and at the Karlova Ves Polyclinic, there are no benefits from Aupark or trips to villages and DSSieks. But the distortion is not big – we really vaccinated the first doses, especially in November. Even with Aupark and trips to the villages, we submitted 75% of the first benefits in the last two months in November, ” Szalay explained, noting that he did not see an increase in older people’s interest in vaccinations in their replacement system either.

How Matovi's bonus works

Source: FB / Tomas Szalay

At the same time, they make up only about 7 percent of those interested in vaccinations who have registered over the holidays. According to Szalay, such a number of older people can vaccinate in about an hour. On the contrary, in the lists of the National Center for Health Information, older people made up only a tenth of all applicants.Conclusion: Bratislava seniors who wanted to be vaccinated are or will be vaccinated in the coming week. And be careful not to overlook: ACTION! If you know an unvaccinated 75+ who is interested in getting vaccinated, bring him to the stadium on Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday. We will vaccinate him / her without registration and (of course) without waiting. I strongly recommend everyone else to register and get a deadline. ” concluded Szalay.

How Matovi's bonus works

Source: FB / Tomas Szalay

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