“Here everything begins” of December 28, 2021: Claire is back, Célia puts an end to her relationship with Stella (Summary and spoilers of episode 302) – News Actual

“Here everything begins” in advance with the detailed summary of episode 302 of Tuesday, December 28, 2021. In your daily series, Claire is back from Japan and she is helping her son. For her part, Célia puts an end to her relationship with Stella and Souleymane is right.


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The detailed summary of episode 301 of Monday, December 27 from Here It All Begins is also online. Good reading.

Here everything begins ”in advance of Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Souleymane is right

Souleymane confides in Rose that Deva’s parents want to force her to marry in India in three years with a man she doesn’t like. He finds it foul to force someone to marry and he wants to help the young student. Rose suggests that her stepson go see her sister together because she knows Deva well and she will know what to do. Clotilde was already aware of this arranged marriage and not forced as Souleymane thinks. She explains to them that Deva knows exactly what she is doing and that in most Indian families, commitment counts more than love. Rose asks Souleymane to respect Deva’s choice.

Antoine’s son ends up apologizing to the young student. And even if he doesn’t understand Deva’s choice, he chooses to respect it and remain friends with the young student. Deva agrees to continue helping Souleymane for the Institute’s entrance exam.


Celia on the go

Stella calls out to Célia in the park of the Institute. As Celia does not respond to her messages, she asks him if she is avoiding him. Celia answers him in the negative. Then, she explains to Stella that she knows she has someone in her life because she saw a text message on her cell phone. Stella does not deny. Celia would have liked Stella to tell her about it. The latter confesses to him that they had a story that was going nowhere. Stella does not want to say more, considering that it is very personal. Then she suggests to Célia that they meet later. However, Célia only dreams of a simple story without lies and tragedies and she declines.

Célia turns to Antoine a little later because she wants to go for an internship as soon as possible. Only one offer is available: a one-month internship as a clerk in a bistronomic in Lille. Antoine suggests that she wait for more interesting offers, but Célia confesses that she does not want to be at the Institute at the moment. Between what happened with Simony and her other personal issues, she is completely lost. Antoine tells her that they can set up a support procedure if she needs it, but she refuses. She just needs to change the setting. This is why Célia accepts this internship offer and leaves the next day for Lille.

In the salt marshes, Stella admits to Solal having had a story with Gaëtan and she fears Célia’s reaction. Solal knows that Célia is a whole girl who doesn’t like people to hide things from her. Therefore, he advises Stella to be honest with her. Stella meets Celia. She confides in him that she has an affair with Gaëtan and that it’s over. Stella admits to still being in love with him, even though she has the impression that she thinks less of Gaëtan since she is with Célia. But the young woman has already given and does not want to relive a love triangle. Célia decides to end their relationship.

Louis fools Claire.

Louis wants to take Clotilde’s place in the competition for the best cooking school in France. To achieve his ends, he concocted a plan which consists in giving the recipe for roasted scallops to the food journalist Naia Monfray for her to praise it in her article. Teyssier would thus have no other choice but to bow. Louis has to buy Saint-Jacques to make his meal again, while Charlene will have to persuade Naia Monfray, the food journalist, to follow her. And while the two lovers are getting ready to leave, Claire comes home, accompanied by Olivia. Louis hadn’t expected to see them so soon and although he hadn’t seen his mother for several months, he gave her a rather cold welcome. Claire tries to hold them back. She invites them for a coffee. Claire would like to share with them memories of her trip to Japan and then she also has gifts for them. Charlène has class and declines her invitation while Louis has an urgent race to do. Moreover, he asks his mother to avoid staying at home today. Then he leaves. Claire does not hide her disappointment in front of her partner. Olivia thinks that Louis is very happy deep down to see her again and that Claire’s return is a double-edged sword for him. Claire will indeed resume her teaching position while Louis will find himself without a job.

At the Institute, Naia Monfray does not hide her surprise by discovering the pair that will compete. Clotilde indeed failed the competition two years ago and Maxime is only a second year student. Teyssier is justified. Two years ago, the student accompanying Clotilde was not really up to the task. Maxime is the most talented of his students. There is no doubt for the director of the Institute that they will win. Naia Monfray does not hide from Teyssier that the basic subject of her paper is to discover whether the Institute is capable of continuing to train the gastronomic elite despite the death of Auguste Armand. To convince her, Clotilde invites her to taste a dish prepared by Maxime and her.

Charlène approaches the journalist a little later in the park of the Institute. She tries in vain to convince her to come and taste Louis’ latest creation. The journalist does not take her seriously. Claire overheard their conversation. As she knows the journalist, she thinks she can help Charlene and she asks the young woman why she insisted on her coming to their place.

Enzo still cannot digest that Teyssier chose Maxime for the competition. The young third-year student does not hesitate to call the director of the Institute to account. Teyssier points out his bad grades and asks him to focus only on getting his diploma.

Claire tastes Louis’ dish and she is impressed. She asks her son if this recipe is hers. Louis shamelessly lies to her and assures her that he does. In her entire career, Claire has never felt such an emotion and she declares to Louis that she is proud of him.

Claire convinces Naia Monfray to come and taste her son’s dish. She highlighted the fact that Louis is more modern and inventive than the pair that must compete. She also reminded him that he is the heir of Auguste Armand. Naia Monfray admits that Louis’ dish outclasses that of Maxime and chef Armand. She asks Louis why it is not he who represents the Institute in the competition in place of Clotilde. Louis explains to him that Teyssier refused on the basis of the same dish he considered lamentable. Louis thinks Teyssier is afraid he will overshadow him. He explains to the journalist that this is not the first time that he has put her foot in the wheel. Louis is willing to tell him more on the condition that Naia does an article faithful to what he is going to entrust to her. Louis then explains to the journalist that since his father’s death, Teyssier has done everything to oust him from the Institute.

Find Here it all begins Monday to Friday at 6.35 p.m. on TF1.

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