Rdc, journalist catches ‘crafty’: “Here are all the scams”

“Citizenship income is structurally wrong, especially in a country like ours. Preventing scams, carried out by individual ‘crafty’ or by real organizations, sometimes linked to organized crime, is literally impossible”. So to AdnKronos Benedetta Frucci (collaborator of ‘Il Tempo’), who has earned the reputation of ‘crafty catcher’ of the DRC, and who on her website, furbettidelreddito.it, spreads numbers and cases relating to scams, and more. , related to the subsidy. “About a year ago – Frucci tells AdnKronos – I began to realize, reading the local news, that there was often talk of ‘crafty’ citizenship income. So every morning, trivially, I started to search on Google, and every day in the local press of each region one or more cases of ‘crafty’ popped up. Cases that I began to spread through my Twitter profile. ‘he was just the classic single’ crafty ‘, and almost always Italian, but often real organizations, very often made up of foreigners, or connected, especially in the South, to organized crime “. Shortly after, continues Frucci, “the case of Bologna exploded, where 27 Romanian citizens were found who received income even though they were not entitled to it. At that point I thought about studying the data on scams relating to the DRC, but I realized that until a few months ago there was no one, absolutely no one, who had quantified how much money had been illegally stolen from the state. Little by little, however, the attention on scams has risen, with Renzi proposing a referendum on the DRC , Salvini who began his battle, up to the reform of the Draghi government. In the meantime, I thought of creating a site in which to report the most striking news items regarding the ‘crafty’ of the DRC collected from various sources, including some study centers that he had decided to study the case. ” “The ‘official’ figures that are published on the site, in my opinion – Frucci underlines Adnkronos – are also lower than the real phenomenon. In any case, 174 million are cheated, according to data released by carabinieri and Finance, and 123,000 687 requests canceled because they are false. Now, the government reform certainly includes some interesting changes, for example the preventive control for the granting of the subsidy and no longer afterwards. However, even the progress made in the reform has limits, due to the fact, for example, that Public Administrations communicate with each other to a limited extent, and furthermore the digitization of the Public Administration, certainly better than a few years ago, is not yet complete “. Apart from that, Frucci observes, “the phenomenon is still far from being quantified in its real extent, and I think it is very difficult to assign the DRC exclusively to those who really need it, because as with all public subsidies, above all in a country like Italy where public administrations have very serious deficiencies even in terms of staff training, I think it is precisely the concept of the DRC that is profoundly wrong “. “One of the reasons why I decided independently and ‘at home’ to bring this phenomenon a little to people’s attention – explains, in fact, Frucci -, it is precisely my belief that it is the DRC system that is culturally wrong, because it sends the message that you shouldn’t even try to make it because there is so much the State that provides you with the money. Especially in areas where the DRC is more perceived, namely in the South, the wrong message is sent because it invests in people, who cling, therefore, to the State subsidy. Without forgetting that in the South often the amount given by the DRC is higher than the wages for work, therefore the DRC does not make it convenient to work “. Therefore, he concludes, “the problem lies not only in the scams, which still represent an absolutely minimal percentage, but in the waste that the same Rdc, for which 19 billion euros were used, represents in itself culturally and structurally despite the latest corrections . Avoiding scams is impossible “.

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