Lorenzo as a ‘super feather’ child, born of 370 grams and saved in Milan

When he was born, 4 months early, Lorenzo weighed only 370 grams. A feather child, or rather ‘super feather’, who couldn’t even cry because his lungs hadn’t had time to form. As soon as he came into the world, he was already in danger of dying from an intestinal perforation that led him to a few hours of life in an operating room at the Milan Polyclinic. From the hospital today they tell his story with a happy ending: a true fairy tale in view of Christmas that the little one, having passed the 3 kilogram milestone, will spend at home with his parents. It all begins when, in the fifth month of pregnancy – explain from the Irccs Foundation in via Sforza – mother Elena had to run to the hospital in her city, near Milan, because labor had suddenly begun, 16 weeks ahead of time. Lorenzo was born as a feather baby, as neonatologists call babies weighing less than one and a half kilograms. And immediately the complications begin, including a severe intestinal perforation, linked to the fact that his organs were still very immature. Urgently transferred to the Milan Polyclinic, the child was immediately taken care of by the pediatric surgeons directed by Ernesto Leva. The green gowns intervened immediately, removing the damaged part of the intestine, repairing the perforation and putting the organ to rest. ‘to facilitate healing. An operation that is already complex in itself – they point out from the hospital – but made extremely difficult due to Lorenzo’s very low weight and his very delicate situation. The operation is successful, also thanks to the collaboration between surgeons and neonatologists, nurses and anesthetists. After a few days, Lorenzo’s conditions stabilized, his weight increased and it was possible to operate again to ‘reactivate’ the intestine and restore normal intestinal transit. “Our hospital is an international reference center for premature babies and complex pregnancies – says Ezio Belleri, general manager of the Milan Polyclinic – About 6 thousand babies are born each year at our Mangiagalli clinic. This is why we are able to guarantee a safe birth. and to promote the best quality of life in all those cases that present difficulties for mothers and their children. If a couple is facing a high-risk pregnancy, it is essential that they have a center where the various specialists work in close synergy, from diagnosis to clinical activity, and where there are dedicated paths able to follow the little patients over time “.” His incredible strength to live has allowed Lorenzo to brilliantly overcome infections caused by intestinal perforation – reports Leva, director of Pediatric surgery at the Polyclinic, who performed the surgery together with Francesco Macchini – and luckily no n developed other complications such as cerebral haemorrhages or pulmonary difficulties, typical in these very low weight infants. A success that is also due to the work carried out by the neonatologists of our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, led by Fabio Mosca, with a very high level of professionalism “. Also for the second phase of the operation, the reactivation of the small intestine,” the complexity The surgery was handled without difficulty – highlights Leva – both for the experience of the surgeons with such fragile newborns, and for the close synergy with the team of anesthetists dedicated to the youngest patients “coordinated by Giuseppe Sofi, director of Anesthesia and Intensive care for women and children at the Polyclinic. “Stories like these make us fall in love with our work every time – concludes Leva – and I have no difficulty in arguing that only in our hospital can these ‘miracles’ happen. The merit goes to the professionalism of doctors, nurses and all the staff who work with and for the children. Today Lorenzo is fine, he has returned home and has reached over 3 kilos: this is also why he will always remain a superhero for us “.

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