The National Bank warns against a huge rise in prices: We will soon break 20-year records – Topky

Information provided TV Awning and there is talk of such a rise in price that the young generation cannot even imagine. Inflation is destroying our money and the list of more expensive things is growing again, and it really doesn’t look good, as in addition to gas and electricity, price tags are likely to go higher for real estate and other things.

This is not good news, says Kazimir

Although so far they are only NBS estimates, they are definitely not pessimistic and are likely to come soon. “We don’t have good news because we have to announce that, according to our estimates, price growth will continue, even strengthen, it should peak somewhere at 7.7 percent in the coming months, early next year.” stated the Governor of the Central Bank Peter Kažimír.

Source: TASR / Pavol Zachar

The last time was 20 years ago

The last time we had a seven percent increase in prices was in 2000. At that time, however, Slovak crowns still applied in Slovakia. “Other analysts who estimate the price development have also had it extremely complicated, because in principle it is not so easy to predict prices on the gas and subsequently electricity market, there are really geopolitical factors at the moment.” Vice-Governor Ľudovít Ódor joined.

The reasons must be sought in the world

Rising has a reason. It is also happening in other countries around Europe. The introduction of a green economy, which is simply expensive, has also done its thing. Complications have occurred even after Germany shut down nuclear power plants and other countries, including ours, are still unable to operate their new reactors.

These days, therefore, several countries, and we too, have asked the European Council to put Europe at the heart of green resources, thus reducing the upward pressure on prices. However, the agreements have not yet come. “The discussions were very busy, because there were not many of those conclusions, but the difference of opinion was great, so it was left open and it will actually continue on the next row,” said Prime Minister Eduard Heger after the meeting.

The National Bank warns against

Source: Topky – Maarty