Sciences Po Grenoble: Wauquiez applauded by Le Pen and Zemmour after his decision

Ludovic MarinREUTERS

Laurent Wauquiez photographed on the Glieres plateau in 2019 (illustration)

POLITICS – The right (really) outside the walls. This Tuesday, December 21, Marine Le Pen congratulated Laurent Wauquiez, after his decision to suspend the funding of the Auverge-Rhône-Alpes region at Sciences Po Grenoble, of which he denounces “the ideological and communitarian drift” after the sanction aimed at a teacher accused of Islamophobia. “Well done”, simply tweeted the candidate of the National Assembly for the presidential election.

Before her, it was the other far-right candidate, Eric Zemmour, who welcomed the decision taken by the former boss of the Republicans. “Laurent Wauquiez understood perfectly how to cut short the infiltration of our large schools by Islamo-leftism: by starting by turning off the tap of public financing”, he commented. According to Le Figaro, the amount of these subsidies amounts to 200,000 euros per year (on a budget of 15 million), to which is added a check for 2.5 million euros for the renovation of buildings.

“Repeat offender Islamophobe”

Let’s remember what it is. Klaus Kinzler, a German teacher, had been targeted by posters plastered on the walls of Sciences Po Grenoble, accusing him of Islamophobia. Public accusations which, a few months after the runaway which led to the assassination of Samuel Paty, had provoked controversy, and a lively conviction of the political class.

However, if the process had aroused indignation, the professor in question had indeed made vehement remarks towards Islam, which had in particular underlined the direction judging “extremely problematic” his manner of approaching the subject. The affair had erupted on the sidelines of a day of debates entitled “racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia”, a term whose scientific nature he contested, while criticizing Islam. Mediapart had also revealed the content of emails sent by the professor to his students, including a message concluding with this formula: “a teacher ‘in struggle’, Nazi by his genes, Islamophobic repeated offenders”.

Klaus Kinzler, claiming to be the victim of a witch hunt, then granted several interviews in the national press, in which he fulminated against the IEP, which in his eyes had become a school of “political re-education” aimed at imposing theories on students. “Woke”. A mission led by a “hard core” of teachers, with the blessing of management. And it was because of these “defamatory comments” against the school that Klaus Kinzler was suspended. The director of the establishment accuses him of having “seriously undermined the professional integrity of his work colleagues”, which explains this disciplinary measure.

However, for the detractors of the school, it is neither more nor less of a political sanction. This particularly agitates the right and the extreme right, but not only. At war with the “wokism”, The LREM deputy for Indre, François Jolivet, called for“ the placing under supervision of Sciences Po Grenoble ”and“ the opening of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the situation of French universities ”. Or when the denunciation of a witch hunt turns into a witch hunt.

Also on The HuffPost: At the Zemmour meeting, we tried to talk about purchasing power

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