Omikron: The Mayor of London has announced a state of emergency –

The tests revealed 26,000 infected in London on the last day.

LONDON. London Mayor Sadiq Khan declared a major incident in the British capital on Saturday due to the spread of a coronavirus option omicron. The AFP agency informed about it.

More than 65,000 new cases have been confirmed in London in the last seven days coronavirus and in the last 24 hours it was 26,418 cases, the highest number since the start of the pandemic.

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According to the AFP, a “major incident” is defined as an event with a number of serious consequences that requires the implementation of special measures and is aimed at helping the authorities to support each other in reducing service disruptions in the city.

Khan also declared a state of emergency on January 8, during a previous wave of the virus, but canceled it a month later as the number of cases dropped.

The increase in omicron cases in our capital is very worrying.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London

“The increase in omicron cases in our capital is very worrying, so again, due to the Covid-19 threat, we are declaring a state of emergency for our city,” Khan said.

“It is right that key agencies in London are working closely together to minimize the impact on our city and to help protect a vital vaccination program,” the mayor added.

Britain recorded a record number of cases for the third day in a row, which required the introduction of new measures, AFP added.

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