On vaccination, Taubira relies on the authorities and fuels his (false) trial – The HuffPost


Christiane Taubira speaking to the press in Saint-Denis on Saturday December 18.

POLICY – The pole was outstretched, she refused to grab it. This Saturday, December 18 on the sidelines of his trip to Saint-Denis, the almost candidate Christiane Taubira was questioned about the health strategy adopted by the government against Covid-19. The executive announced his wish to transform the health pass into vaccine pass to encourage vaccination as part of the control of the variant Omicron.

A rather predictable subject with regard to the news and the department she chose for her first campaign trip; Seine-Saint-Denis is in fact among the least covered of France. Without approving or condemning the policy pursued by the executive, the former Minister of Justice has left unclear his assessment. Recalling that the government relies on the “scientific committee which enlightens it and enables it to make the best choices” thanks in particular to the “objective, scientific and material elements” which are provided to it, the former minister considered that the executive was “in his role”.

When Taubira had “no vocation” to call for vaccination

A form of assumed neutrality which questions for a political leader who aspires to the supreme election and which is not unlike his previous statements, when she indicated at the end of the summer that she was “not called to call for vaccination” in Guyana. Words that had earned him an outraged response from the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, and on which she returned on several occasions, denouncing in particular an “obscene quarrel” mounted against her.

Because Christiane Taubira is not an “antivax”. On the set of Day-to-day on November 30, she challenged “any ambiguity” on the subject, expressing “total confidence in science, in medicine in the men and women who seek, who find, who treat us, who save us”. Reason why she is even vaccinated. “I am absolutely convinced that the best response to the current pandemic is vaccination. Because it is the best answer which is proposed to us, which is offered to us and which shows that it effectively protects us. For me, there is no shadow of a doubt, ”she insisted.

Words she repeated this Saturday at the end of the afternoon, on Twitter.

But despite her clarifications, Christiane Taubira is still suspected of holding a sort of double-talk, refusing to position herself clearly for or against the government’s health choices. Illustration this Saturday with this comment bitter formulated by a caregiver on Twitter, who considers that the former minister is tackling and refuses to “advocate vaccination”. “If anyone has understood where she is going with this, I must be too stupid”, added Mathias Wargon, head of emergency at Delafontaine hospital in Seine-Saint-Denis, precisely.

Critics who rush into the impression of vagueness given by his statements on the health policy of the government, where its competitors, including on the left, have very strong opinions. Like Jean-Luc Mélenchon this Saturday, who estimated that the vaccine pass would worsen tensions in the country. A situation that will last as long as Christiane Taubira will give the impression of kicking in touch, systematically relying on the authorities. Because if this position may appear responsible at first glance, it seems difficult to hold in the context of a presidential campaign, where a political discourse on the management of the pandemic is expected.

Also on The HuffPost: Christiane Taubira “plans” to be a candidate and “gives an appointment in mid-January

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