“Poor Haiti, again and again, a people who suffer”, Pope Francis – Overseas the 1st

“Poor Haiti” launched this Wednesday, December 15, 2021, Pope Francis, calling for “pray” for the “suffering” population in the aftermath of an explosion which left at least 62 dead.

“Poor Haiti, again and again, a people who suffer. Let us pray, let us pray for Haiti, they are good people, religious people, but who suffer so much”, moved the sovereign pontiff in front of thousands of faithful to the after the traditional general audience on Wednesday morning in the Paul VI room in the Vatican.

I am close to the inhabitants of this city and the families of the victims, as well as the injured. Many children lost their lives in this devastating explosion.

Three days of national mourning have been declared by the Haitian government.

International NGOs and the UN have sent caregivers and medical equipment to Cap-Haitien

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At least 62 people were killed by the tanker explosion according to the most recent toll of this tragedy which also left 48 injured, many in critical condition.

Health services, overwhelmed, are trying to cope with the influx of patients requiring urgent care. Faced with the emergency, Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced the deployment of field hospitals.