Work: CPI overtime plan, Regions in slow motion, less than 13% hired

The Regions are marking time on the plan of strengthening the Employment Centers. This is what can be deduced from the summary table that the Ministry of Labor published in the evening relating to the progress of the activities in implementation of the planned interventions from the resources allocated to the Regions, 464 million euros starting from 2021, for the recruitment of permanent staff. As at 30 September, in fact, of the 11,535 places assigned by the plan, 1458 had been filled, less than 13%, while another 2333 hires are expected by next 31 December. As of 30 September, about 8 Regions had not yet filled any assigned places: Abruzzo (255 places), Basilicata (114), Calabria (623), Campania 1840), Molise (75), Puglia (1129), Sicily (1246) and Umbria (129) recorded zero recruitments. Something for these regions would seem to be moving by next December 31st: 37 scheduled recruitments for Abruzzo, 641 for Campania, 373 for Puglia, and 10 for Umbra while still zero for Basilicata, Calabria and Molise. instead the situation looks better. En plein only for Valle D’Aosta which out of 22 assigned places covered 21 by last September and the last by December. In Emilia Romagna, on the other hand, out of 655 open-ended positions assigned by the upgrading plan, 264 have been filled, up to 30 September 264 and another 82 should be filled by 31 December next. Friuli also records 47 hires out of 165 and Lazio 125 out of 1130 with a short-term integration of another 212 hires. In Liguria, out of 258 assigned places covered 150 and another 40 by the end of the year; 25 units hired in Lombardy out of 1378 places assigned by the upgrading plan and another 723 arriving at 31 December. The Marche has 61 recruitments out of 194 posts and another 5 expected by 2021 while Piedmont has filled 187 out of 716 posts and another 9 on the way. In Sardinia, the table still reads, 147 recruitments by last September out of 357 positions assigned but with another 162 hires expected by next December 31st. For Tuscany, 206 out of 643 covered places and another 38 by December. Finally, for the Veneto region, 225 seats were covered out of 606 assigned.