Consulta, Patroni Griffi elected constitutional judge

Filippo Patroni Griffi was elected constitutional judge by the Council of State. He takes the place of Giancarlo Coraggio, the president of the Consulta who will leave in January, at the end of his nine-year term. The President of the Council of State prevailed in the ballot over the Section President Luigi Maruotti. Patroni Griffi will be sworn in at the end of January and from that date will assume the functions of constitutional judge, taking over from President Coraggio, elected on 29 November 2012 by the magistrates of the Council of State and in office at the Court since 28 January 2013. since 1979, councilor of state since 1985. In 2009 he was appointed president of the section, then president of the Council of State by decree of the President of the Republic on 25 September 2018. He was minister for public administration in the Monti government and undersecretary of the Presidency of the Government Council Letta.