Covid vaccine, Figliuolo: “Ready to immunize house by house”

Covid vaccine in Italy, “we are ready to immunize house by house, until Christmas we have the availability of 500 thousand doses per day”. an interview with ‘La Stampa’. Now with the coordination of the various bodies of the armed forces he will be able even better, as he himself explains, to ensure the contribution of the military to cover the last mile of the vaccination campaign. ” From the Operational Command of The Joint Force Summit already depends on the national vaccine storage hub and all the essential contributions that the Armed Forces, thanks to the great availability ensured by the Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini, are providing to the vaccination campaign – he says – Especially with the mobile health teams that carry the vaccinations in remote areas of the country, doing high-quality house-to-house work in favor of elderly and frail people who have difficulty accessing v accination ”. ” The minimum targets indicated so far for the month of December have been fully respected – he underlines – The Regions are exceeding expectations and a nice emulative effect has been created, and this is very important to anticipate the moves of the virus. Now we plan to maintain the average of 500 thousand administrations on weekdays and 300-350 thousand on holidays, from now until the 26th of the month. The supplies and reserves available constitute the potential to vaccinate all those who show up, respecting the timing between one dose and the next ”. On the vaccination campaign for children from 5 to 11 years, explains the general, ” we are ready to vaccinate the whole audience. The Regions have registered a good number of bookings and in many cases are carrying out ad hoc projects for the little ones. There are kid-friendly hubs with play and entertainment areas. The Defense has also created a structure in Rome, at Cecchignola, in coordination with the Lazio Region and the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital ”. As for the pediatric doses to cover 3.6 million children, Figliuolo adds: “ After the approval of AIFA, the structure I manage has scheduled the distribution in December of 1.5 million pediatric doses of Pfizer vaccine. This is the first tranche to immediately start vaccinating, which will then be integrated from January onwards ”. And on helping local health authorities, increasingly struggling with contact tracing, he explains: ” La Difesa has made eleven laboratories available to process PCR swabs in eight Regions, as well as several mobile health teams throughout the country that will integrate the activities of Asl for tracking in schools, following the detection of a positive case. Once again this is a qualitative contribution to strengthen the tracking system in place of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, which are strongly committed to this activity. The first teams have already intervened at the request of some Piedmontese ASL ”.