Presidential 2022: rebellious France tries to convince the Communist Party to rally – archyworldys

Anne Hidalgo’s primary proposal was officially addressed to all, on the left. It has the paradoxical effect of bringing out the specter of alliances already tested, between environmentalists and socialists on the one hand, the communists and La France insoumise (LFI) on the other. Fabien Roussel then Jean-Luc Mélenchon opposed a ” no “ unambiguously in the primary of the mayor of Paris. But the agitation and denials around this question have revived the reflection on the unitary issues. With a first collateral effect to the French Communist Party (PCF). Marie-George Buffet, the party’s last presidential candidate, spoke out on Saturday in a text posted on her Facebook account in favor of an agreement with Mr. Mélenchon.

“Tragic comedy on the left, the people of the left no longer have any desire or motivation for their action, faced with the division of their candidates, the right and the extreme right can prosper, the left can disappear if it does not builds on revolutionary change in economic, environmental and social terms ”, wrote, Saturday, December 12, the deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis. “The only hope for the left is an agreement PCF, LFI on the candidacy of Jean-Luc Mélenchon with an agreement for the legislative allowing a group of social transformation in the National Assembly. “ A message widely relayed by the supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who had already argued, on December 5, the coming of the Communist mayor of Stains, Azzedine Taïbi, and of the deputy of Reunion Karine Lebon, member of the communist group to the ‘Assembly, in their “country parliament”.

Read the meeting report: Article reserved for our subscribers Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls for action against the rights

Sunday evening, at the end of a weekend when the national council of the PCF met in place du Colonel-Fabien, Marie-George Buffet finally deleted her message, replacing it with a : “I am withdrawing from the debate on the presidential election, I simply want to tell you that being a communist is to fight for a change useful to the people, not for a partisan objective. “

“Artificial disunity”

On the side of the PCF leadership, we would have done well without such a signal, even if it emanates from a figure whose unitary sensitivity towards Jean-Luc Mélenchon is notorious. During the National Council, discussions revolved around several proposals. That of the “rebellious”, who reiterated, in a letter sent Tuesday to the leadership, their proposal for an alliance in the presidential election behind the single candidacy of their leader. That of Anne Hidalgo, too. As a result, the Communists maintained their position, in a resolution voted on Sunday noon: a Communist candidate for the presidential election, a common commitment pact offered to other left parties for the legislative elections.

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