Serious forms, closed classes and circulation of the Covid: Alain Fischer justifies the vaccination of children – BFMTV

Since December 6 and an opinion from the Vaccine Strategy Orientation Council, the upcoming vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 appears to have been completed.

Since the notice published on December 6 by the Vaccine Strategy Orientation Council, the vaccination of children against Covid-19 seems imminent. The text ensures that “the indications for the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 appear to be met”. For children at risk of developing a serious form, the vaccination campaign, recommended by the HAS, will begin on December 15, that is, this Wednesday.

The executive, in particular through the voice of Prime Minister Jean Castex on France Bleu on Saturday, has already taken up the cause for the extension of the campaign to the youngest. This Monday morning, Alain Fischer, the “Mister vaccine” of the government, summarized on France 2 the reasons justifying the vaccination of 5-11 year olds.

Three reasons to vaccinate 5-11 year olds

The doctor counted three reasons for vaccinating this age group. First, the risk for children of developing a severe form of Covid-19. “Fortunately, it is very rare but there are serious forms which we know today that they can be prevented by vaccination”, recalled Alain Fischer. The scientist identified “a little more than 100 children under the age of ten currently hospitalized in France”.

His argument then focused on the situation at school, where class suspensions multiply according to contamination, framed by the health protocol decreed by the National Education.

“There are many closed classes and if we manage to vaccinate the children we will reduce school absenteeism”, thus highlighted Alain Fischer.

Finally, an unvaccinated island within a general population increasingly widely protected, children are now one of the main vectors of transmission of Covid-19.

“And then the children participate in the circulation of the virus. Today, they are probably the main source since they are not vaccinated”, argued Alain Fischer. “Incidentally, they are indirect proof of the effectiveness of vaccination.”

The country having according to the specialist of “1.9 million” Pfizer doses intended for children, “no shortage” is to be feared in case they are called upon to be vaccinated.

A guarantee expected from the United States

If Alain Fischer is piloting the vaccine strategy against the spread of Covid-19 in France, the health emergency, its seriousness, sometimes reduce him to having to navigate on sight. “There remains one condition to be met and which is not yet as we speak, and that is to ensure complete security,” he said.

Admittedly, Alain Fischer affirmed that he had “not really worry” on this point, but no question of relying on instinct. Before deciding to initiate the vaccination of 5-11 year olds, the authorities therefore wait to benefit from a little hindsight: that is to say, in this case, from data being compiled in the United States. United, where children have been inoculated since November 3. According to the Orientation Council of the vaccine strategy, these could be known “from the end of December”.

Robin verner BFMTV reporter