“New Caledonia remains in France”

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On the front page of the press, this Monday, December 13, New Caledonia’s “no” to independence. Pressure on the ecologist Yannick Jadot, so that he rallies to a primary of the left, in view of the presidential election of 2022. Boris Johnson in the midst of an epidemic and political storm. And the big comeback of the “no bra”, “no bra” movement in France.

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On the front page of the press, the overwhelming victory of the “no” to the independence of New Caledonia, where the third and last referendum on self-determination was held yesterday. A consultation marked by a record abstention rate.

More than 96% of the votes for the “no”, more than 56% of abstention. At the end of this referendum, Emmanuel Macron welcomed New Caledonia’s decision to remain French – a statement on the front page of Caledonian News, which recall that the separatists had called for a boycott of the consultation. New Caledonia remains in France, but Le Figaro warns that the victory of “no” to independence “is in no way heralding stability and tranquility on the Caillou” – the fault of the separatists, according to the newspaper, which accuses them of having “sabotaged” the referendum, for fear of losing it. An attitude that worries Le Figaro: “How to build the future with those who refuse the foundations of the future common house? How to be satisfied with the sentence of universal suffrage when some recognize its validity only when they are the victors?”. “A vote without interest, a result without surprises”, “Emmanuel Macron welcomes the results that mean nothing”: Mediapart castigates, him, “the stubbornness of the President of the Republic to conclude the process of decolonization, in the absence of the colonized people”, which would make “politically null and void the results (of this) election”. The latter, in any case, opens “a transition period of eighteen months” to work out a new statute for New Caledonia. 20 minutes announces discussions between the archipelago and the metropolis, to get out of “the binary alternative between yes and no”, according to Emmanuel Macron.

Will he finally say “yes” to a primary of the left, to designate a single candidate for the presidential election of 2022? While climate change is one of the main concerns of the French, the candidate of Europe Ecology the Greens Yannick Jadot “stagnates in the polls”, according to Le Parisien / Today in France, which draws its own opinion poll, which indicates that Yannick Jadot would be “in open country”, and that his proposals would seduce the French “without (however) convincing them”. “Jadot under pressure”: Release drives home the point, relaying the calls for a primary of the left, launched by the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo. A primary desired, also, by 66% of supporters of the left, according to another poll, ordered by Libé. For the moment, the call for a single candidacy leaves Yannick Jadot unmoved… or rather frozen, according to Coco, whose drawing, published by Release shows him insensitive to Anne Hidalgo’s request.

Also on the front page this morning, the controversy caused by a decision of the Spanish justice requiring that 25% of the courses be given in Castilian in Catalonia. International mail reports on the demonstration, Friday, of a thousand people, to ask the Catalan government to “disobey” what they qualify as “aggression against the linguistic model and against the future of the Catalan language of the education “- a rally organized in Canet del Mar, north of Barcelona, ​​where the family of a 5-year-old child took legal action to demand that classes not be offered only in Catalan. After being successful, this family found itself the object of threats and insults on social networks, which led the Spanish justice to render a judgment on Friday, ordering the Catalan authorities to adopt the measures. necessary to protect and “preserve (his) identity”.

In the United Kingdom, the government is announcing the acceleration of the vaccine booster campaign. Faced with the explosion of contamination with the Omicron variant, Boris Johnson announced yesterday the goal of a third dose of Covid-19 vaccine for all adults by the end of December, i.e. one million doses per day, depending on The Independent, which evokes growing concern that the British healthcare system is “overwhelmed”. The arrival of the Omicron variant comes in the midst of a political storm, for the Prime Minister, faced, among other things, as we have mentioned here, with the repercussions of the “Christmasgate”, the controversy around the New Year’s Eve organized last year in Downing Street, in full confinement. To see with a drawing by Brian Adcock. The hilarious Covid-19 variants take a Christmas quiz: “First question, who is in serious trouble for possibly breaking the rules imposed by their own government?” They laugh. Boris Johnson, whose authority and credibility are crumbling like a house of cards in a design by Nicola Jennings for The Guardian.

We do not leave each other on this. The world reports on the great return of the “no bra” movement, no bra, in France, a movement which would find “a new echo among young women,” between the quest for comfort and feminist demands. The newspaper explains that the movement has grown since the first confinement, in the tradition of “no make-up” (“no makeup”), “no poo” (“no shampoo”) and others ” no shave “(” no shaving or waxing “)…

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