Covid vaccine, Fauci: “Third dose effect can last very long”

Could the third dose of the vaccine be the last? “The booster dose of an mRna vaccine could increase the duration of protection.” Anthony Fauci, immunologist and White House advisor in the management of the covid emergency, thus answers the question at ABC about the hypothesis of resorting to a vaccine booster against covid every year. “It is clear that” right now, especially with the spread of the Omicron variant, “we need a booster dose to be protected in the best possible way. An annual booster? It’s hard to say. The booster dose of an mRna vaccine could increase the Duration of protection. We will not know until we evaluate the situation within a few months. I hope, from an immunological point of view, that the booster dose guarantees much longer protection than the current 6 months “. The Omicron variety in the US is widespread in at least 25 states. “We are learning a lot. The Omicron variant appears to be very contagious, which is why it is spreading to an increasing number of countries. It appears to be able to partially avoid the vaccine barrier. The booster dose raises the protection and therefore it is necessary to continue vaccinating. Symptom severity seems less severe than that of Delta-induced symptoms, but these are preliminary data that must be confirmed, “he adds. Then, the message to the parents. “If your children are 5, get them vaccinated. The idea that children are not vulnerable is unfounded. There are 2 million infected children, 8-9,000 hospitalizations and more than 100 deaths. We have effective and safe vaccines for everyone, too. for children aged 5-11 “.

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