Ukraine, G7 warns Russia: “Serious consequences if military aggression”

“There will be enormous consequences and serious costs” for Russia in the event of its “further military aggression against Ukraine”. This is what is stated in the declaration on Ukraine released by the G7 foreign ministers meeting in Liverpool. “We are united in the condemnation of the Russian military build-up and the aggressive rhetoric against Ukraine – the statement states – we ask Russia for a de-escalation, the pursuit of diplomatic channels and compliance with the commitments on the transparency of military activities, as requested by the President Biden in his conversation with President Putin on 7 December “. The declaration “reconfirms support” for the efforts of France and Germany under the Normandy format (which also includes Russia and Ukraine) for the full implementation of the Minsk agreements, in order to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine. “Any use of force to alter borders is strictly prohibited by international law. Russia must not doubt that further military aggression against Ukraine will entail enormous consequences and serious costs,” say the G7 participants. “We reaffirm our firm commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the right of each sovereign state to determine its own future. We commend Ukraine’s composure attitude. We will intensify our cooperation and response. common and complete “, conclude the foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with the high representative of the EU.

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