Maneuver 2022, CGIL and UIL confirm general strike on 16 December

CGIL and UIL confirm the general strike of December 16 against the 2022 maneuver. In a note, the two unions respond to the findings of the Strike Guarantor who today had requested to reformulate the general strike scheduled for 16 as the date would not have allowed compliance the period of exemption nor that of the rarefaction of strikes. CGIL and UIL take note of the resolution of the Guarantor issued today, relating to sector or territorial strikes previously proclaimed, and will proceed ensuring that the strike of 16 will be carried out in full compliance with the rules governing the right to strike in essential public services, reads the note. THE GUARANTOR’S REQUEST – The general strike proclaimed by Cgil and Uil for next December 16, with the exception of the health sector, must be reformulated, it is the request of the Guarantor on strikes which in the resolution issued today grants 5 days to the unions for ‘ heal the situation. The strike of 16 in fact, notes the Guarantor, since the unions had not previously canceled a whole series of protests established at the same time also with the CISL against the maneuver, scheduled until 17 December, ends up not respecting the interval rule minimum that must elapse between different mobilisations. “There is a lack of respect for the rule of objective rarefaction”, explains Giuseppe Santoro Passarelli in the communication sent tonight to CGIL and UIL. Not only. The strike of 16 December, as regards the post office and environmental hygiene sector, does not even respect the period of exemption during which strikes cannot be proclaimed: the regulation in the postal service in fact excludes any mobilization action in the days of payment of the Imu which this year falls on December 16, while in the environmental hygiene sector the national agreement stipulated by the unions themselves with the administration establishes that no strikes can be carried out from December 15 to January 6. “The trade union confederations are therefore invited to reformulate the proclamation of the strike in accordance with the law, notifying it within 5 days of receipt of the resolution”, he concludes.

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