Avian, outbreaks in poultry: the circular of the ministry

Avian, outbreaks in poultry, but “at present the risk of transmission of the avian virus to humans is considered low but in consideration of the evolutionary potential of the virus, it is considered necessary to monitor the situation in order to identify any changes”. This is what we read in a passage of the circular of the Ministry of Health “Outbreaks of avian influenza of subtype H5N1: information and indications”, signed by the director general of Prevention Giovanni Rezza. “In 2021, we are witnessing an epidemic of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), sustained by influenza virus subtype H5N1, which started from Russia in July and then spread to several countries such as Ukraine, Poland, Germany, United Kingdom. , Czech Republic, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary Slovakia, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Holland, Italy. In Italy, in particular – reports the ministerial circular – the epidemic is more widespread in Veneto, in the provinces of Verona and Padua and Lombardy , in the province of Brescia and Mantua. At the beginning of November, an outbreak in Lazio was also confirmed, immediately limited without further spread of the virus in the area “. The document also informs that” according to the provisions of the National Strategic-Operational Plan of flu pandemic preparation and response (PanFlu 2021 – 2023) ‘an’ expert group ‘was set up to define the functioning of the national network of laboratories public human and veterinary bulls for the early detection of the circulation of influenza virus strains with zoonotic potential in order to activate a rapid alert system for influenza epidemics, including pandemic ones. The group of experts has already met and is monitoring and evaluating the situation “. A series of recommendations are therefore indicated:” In the event of an avian flu epidemic, people should, if possible, avoid poultry farms, contact with animals in live poultry markets, to enter areas where poultry can be slaughtered and contact with any surface contaminated with poultry manure or other animals. Healthcare professionals managing symptomatic cases with certain or possible exposure should follow standard, contact, and respiratory precautions. Healthcare workers who perform procedures that generate aerosols should use airborne precautions. “It also reiterates that” seasonal flu vaccination is recommended and actively and free of charge to staff who, for work reasons, are in contact with animals that could constitute source of non-human influenza virus infection: breeders; breeding staff; live animals transport; slaughterers and vaccinators; public veterinarians and freelancers “. But” the recommendation for seasonal influenza vaccination – underlines the document – is also extended to all subjects who for reasons other than professional ones are potentially exposed to epidemiological risk “.