Porti, Di Blasio: “Satisfied with North Adriatic agreement”

“We are very satisfied with the goal achieved with the signing of this agreement”. This was underlined by President Napa, Fulvio Lino Di Blasio, on the occasion of the agreement of the ports of the upper Adriatic. “The Upper Adriatic is the natural outlet for fundamental markets and strengthening cross-border cooperation will make it possible to enhance the potential and specificities of all airports – explains Di Blasio-. Thanks to the commitment of the Ministers and my Italian, Croatian and Slovenian counterparts and colleagues and the European investiture by the European Commissioner for Transport, today we have laid the foundations for the creation of a virtuous system, able to work together also in Europe to achieve the common goal of smart, green and increasingly interconnected ports “. Read also On the front of environmental sustainability and energy efficiency, in line with the objectives established by the European Green Deal and by the legislative package recently approved by European Commission “Fit for 55″, the joint declaration establishes that Napa ports are committed to permanent cross-border cooperation aimed at minimizing the environmental impacts of port operations in the Northern Adriatic area, starting from the good practices emerging from ongoing cooperation projects, co-financed by the European Union, such as the Clean berth and susport projects (Interreg Italy-Slovenia and Italy-Cr oazia) the Ealing project (Connecting Europe Facility), and by common pilot actions between all ports. The latter include the implementation of measures and interventions for the energy efficiency of port operations, the installation of systems for the use of alternative energy sources and for monitoring the noise level, air quality and ” water in the port area, as well as pre-investment studies for the electrification of the quays, being the main nodes of two priority corridors of the Ten-T network (Baltic-Adriatic and Mediterranean) and of the Motorways of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, as well as main actors in the transport scenario at a territorial, national and European level, with the signing of the document the Napa ports have undertaken the commitment to optimize and harmonize the logistic and transport procedures on the sea and land side through the use of digital technologies. The aim is to streamline last mile port procedures, ship entry and exit procedures and times and apply integrated technological tools for the dissemination of information useful for improving the safety of maritime transport operations. A commitment that the Napa ports are already carrying out through the implementation of the European projects Intesa, Promares (Interreg Italy-Croatia) and Comodalce (Interreg Central Europe). The Joint declaration also underlines the importance of develop strategic projects to enhance the integration of NAPA ports into the TEN-T network, in particular by enhancing last mile rail connections. The ACCESS2NAPA project was recently approved on this issue, co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility, which envisages projects to improve maritime and rail accessibility to airports. Finally, to support trilateral cooperation, the document identifies three priorities for the five ports of the Upper Adriatic: complete the missing links and promote integration into the Ten-T network, extend the Ten-T and Mos also to non-EU countries and include rail transport for goods and the maritime dimension in the Territorial Cooperation Programs European 2021-2027, in particular Interreg Central Europe, Adriatic-Ionian Interreg, Interreg Italy-Slovenia and Italy-Croatia.

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