What does a patient’s lungs look like after high doses of Ivermectin and vitamin D? Scary photo Sabaku! – Topky.sk

The hunt for ivermectin began earlier this year, when a study was published that reported the alleged positive effects of this veterinary antiparasitic. In the end, however, not all of the facts from the study turned out to be true. Nevertheless, many antivaxers and those who do not trust the vaccine boast of its effects and continue to use it, even though its conditional use to treat coronavirus has lost its effectiveness.

However, the doctor and infectologist from Kramárov in Bratislava has now published a terrifying photo. The photo shows an X-ray of the lungs of one patient who is hospitalized in the COVID department. He preventively used high doses of vitamin D to strengthen immunity. However, even that did not help him defend himself against the infection, and when he found out that he was positive for the coronavirus, he started taking high doses of several drugs. “Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, zinc, aspirin and antibiotics. Still, he ended up with 70% lung disease on high-flow oxygen.” Sabaka explained.

Source: FB / Peter Sabaka

As Sabaka subsequently stated, it is not a single patient, but they have more than one such case. He explained that under normal circumstances, the lung tissue should turn black because there is air in the lungs, but the tissue in the image is white. And there is only one reason – there is water in the lungs. “The conclusion … that patients end up in hospital because they don’t get vitamins, ivermectin and antibiotics from corrupt doctors in time is a hoax that has the effect of salt in the wounds of tired health professionals who really do their best.” concluded Sabaka.

He prefers Jože from the tavern than an expert, says Hložník

Jakub Hložník also reacted to the status of his colleague. Both doctors have been criticized many times by anti-vaxers for their attitude to vaccination. “Classic, people do not trust experts such as associate professor (Peter Sabaka – editor’s note), but they run into Jožek in a pub, or the alternative” experts “who social networks spam hoaxami. young man, vintage 1984, then two unvaccinated women, vintage 1955 and 1959, “ wrote Hložník.

What the patient's lungs look like

Source: FB / Peter Sabaka, Jakub Hloznik

He added that a healthy 50-year-old woman who had not been vaccinated died on Monday. “We don’t have a single vaccinated patient on artificial lung ventilation at the moment. The toughest courses show us that vaccination is of great importance in a patient’s prognosis.” Hložník pointed out. He added that the vaccinated would certainly be more protected from the new omicron variant from South Africa than the unvaccinated. “It’s still a SARS-CoV-2 virus, it’s not a new virus. We were afraid of what Delta would do and see hospitals perform unvaccinated and not vaccinated.” concluded.

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