Valeria Solesin Award to the 12 best theses on female talent

The ‘Valeria Solesin’ award ceremony, 2021 edition, took place today at the Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan, in memory of the 28-year-old from Venice who died following the attack on the Bataclan theater in Paris. The 12 best theses on female talent as a determining factor for the development of the economy, ethics and meritocracy were awarded and there were many interventions, by the president of the Meritocracy Forum, Maria Cristina Origlia. The ceremony, organized by the Meritocracy Forum and Allianz Partners, was moderated by the Corriere della Sera journalist Barbara Stefanelli. Read also “It is wonderful to experience this special moment, the 5th edition of the Award. On gender equality – explained Paola Corna Pellegrini, CEO of Allianz Partners and vice-president of the Meritocracy Forum – we have made progress, even if not still sufficient. This award is a contribution to culture and the aim is to make young people speak. We are trying to encourage a cultural change on many aspects, from the environment to social inclusion. More than 200 students have submitted their theses in these 5 years, many women and even some men. Developing gender inclusion and equality is a theme for everyone, for our society “.” More than 60 children have been awarded in these 5 years. We have published a book that – has added – I wanted to write and that tells the award, its genesis and the stories of some of the winning students in the first editions. The stories you tell us all deserve visibility. you fear new and this moment must be an inspiration not only for the universities, but also for the institutions, which are doing something and are carrying out very important reforms with the NRP. National certification of gender equality for companies will be a way to reward those who are truly committed to inclusion. There are also nursery investments to support families and ideas for parental leave. It is also important to remember that this is the year of the long-awaited Bataclan trial. “” We are many in the administrations that are committed to equality and the fight against inequality. We are talking about meritocracy and women who must be recognized for the skills they have and who – underlined Diana De Marchi, president of the Commission for Equal Opportunities and Civil Rights of the City Council of Milan – often continue to be a wasted resource. Now there is a moment of transformation of the social development model. We need men and women together to change and improve the country with their skills. This is the revolution we are carrying out. The desire of those who work on these issues is that we arrive at a change of perspective, to ensure that the needs of men and women become the reference model of the city “.” Let’s make sure that we arrive at an effective change, because what terrifies me is that – he added – we take many steps forward and sometimes we go backwards. There are times when we get discouraged by this; but being here today gives us the strength to know that we are on the right side and we have a world made up of young people, who represent the hope for our future. “Renata Semenza, professor of Sociology of Economic Processes and I work at the University of Milan, explaining the scientific role of the Prize; and subsequently Elisabetta Romano, CEO of Sparkle, on the key role of Stem disciplines for the development of female talents. Finally, Silvia Fontana, Forum councilor of the Meritocracy, introduced the papers awarded to then give the floor to the students, until the awarding of the awards to the winning students.

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