Assault on Congress, on the eve of Trump spoke with the faithful gathered in the Washington hotel

A few hours before the assault on Congress, Donald Trump made several calls to his loyalists gathered in a Washington hotel to discuss ways to block the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory. This is what sources cited by the Guardian reveal, specifying the then president spoke with the team of his lawyers, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Boris Epshtey, gathered at the Willard together with his strategist Steve Bannon, now indicted for outrage to Congress for refusing to testify before the commission investigating the events of January 6. According to sources cited by the British newspaper, Trump complained in those conversations that Vice President Mike Pence did not want to use his role to maneuver the session of Congress he chaired in order to overturn the election result. And discussed how it was possible to delay the certification process. The revelations therefore indicate direct contact between the White House, Trump and the “war room” set up in the Washington hotel from where his loyalists followed the events of January 6. Trump’s phone calls are obviously at the center of the interest of the commission of inquiry, also because they would deny what his lawyers said, namely that the president was not involved in plans to block the certification, but the intent was only to support the initiatives by representatives of states who denounced alleged electoral fraud.

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