Omicron Italia variant, De Luca: “It is now widespread”

“The Omicron variant is now fully widespread.” This is what the president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca said, commenting on the new 5 cases of positivity to the Omicron variant of Covid-19 that emerged from the tracking of ‘patient zero’, a Caserta professional who returned from Madagascar. “No anguish – adds De Luca – but great prudence, otherwise everything is closed. By now the wave of contagion has fully started, so we really don’t have a minute to lose”. “Now here we are, I’m reviewing the film from two years ago when we found the first positive patient in a town in Cilento and it seemed to be an isolated case” he adds. MASK “In Campania we have always had the obligation to wear a mask, even outside, we have not waited for the government.” This was stated by the president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca, commenting on the debate on the return of the obligation to use the mask also outdoors in the rest of Italy, recalling that in Campania the obligation has always remained in force in the last The governor has launched in this regard “an appeal to the mayors and the police so that immediately, as of this evening, the patrols go to the street to do a dissuasive job, to recall young people who do not have a mask, and then from the weekend to start making fines. In Campania it is mandatory to use a mask also outside, we have always been in force, we just have to move, law enforcement, municipal and municipal police, and then we must complete the vaccination campaign, without wasting a minute of time “. VACCINES TO CHILDREN” As far as I’m concerned, it is essential to start the vaccination campaign also for children from 5 to 11 years old “he stresses. “We know that it is a delicate issue – he added – but never as in this case we have to rely on the evaluations of pediatricians, researchers and science. Vaccination for children aged 5 to 11 is essential to keep them in school, to avoid keep them closed at home, to avoid psychological and educational damage that our children begin to have. We really have to show a sense of responsibility and rationality “. THE CIRCULARS OF SON” Every now and then a new circular from Commissioner Figliuolo arrives that could be saved . ‘Get the vaccines’, we get there by ourselves to get the vaccines. ” “In Italy – added De Luca – 99% of the work is done by the Regions, neither the national government nor the commissioners do it. We are ready and we do not have to wait for December 6 or 15 to vaccinate the staff health and school staff, if we want to avoid closing Italy. There are still the posters that as the Campania Region we put in September, ‘everyone get vaccinated to recover their lives’. We put them on when the situation seemed calm and when we were all Relax. Today we can understand that it was a preventive work that we were trying to do in order not to close our region “. SCHOOL” This is another idiocy that has circulated in Italy without my ever saying anything, in fact I said the opposite. What do I have to confirm, the balls that have circulated? “. Thus the president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca replied to those who asked him if he confirmed the news that the Region had asked the Government for a month of remote teaching starting from 8 December. “Was it attributed to me? Those who attributed it are idiots, because we are in a country where people talk head to head. This thing – added De Luca – is intolerable, I saw a statement from Azzolina who spoke of Dad . We are doing the opposite to keep schools open throughout the school year, we make an agreement with the psychologists’ order and someone says’ you want to close ‘: so are you idiots? But what needs to be done in this country? “. According to De Luca, “it is clear that, if we continue not to vaccinate and bring the infection to schools, in the end that will be the outcome. The Government decided yesterday that an infection in a school is enough to close the school. Incredibly I expected an avalanche of protests from mothers ‘no Dad’, nobody spoke. We are truly a country of deranged people, nobody said a word “. THE ACCUSATION TO LEGA AND FDI” Close the borders and limit the arrivals of foreigners? had to do it by a month, but we have done nothing out of political opportunism and because irresponsible forces are present that have worked substantially for the spread of the contagion “. “When we recorded the fact that in Bulgaria and Romania we had an explosion of infections, and then when we recorded the closure of Austria, Germany, Belgium and Holland – added De Luca – we should have already closed, but we did nothing out of political opportunism and because irresponsible forces are present, mostly the League and not the Brothers of Italy who have fueled the protest of the ‘no Dads’ in recent months. it paralyzed the commercial activity of the historical centers and when the cancellation of the tourist packages arrived. For months these irresponsible people worked substantially for the spread of the contagion and now they have realized that we have reached the fourth wave “.

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