Coronavirus ONLINE: Politicians to deal with 500-euro bonus for vaccinated seniors –

Most importantly:

– Doctors: Patients are aggressive. It’s only a matter of time before paramedics can’t withstand the pressure

Omikron may also be the fault of the West: We got on the vaccines

What we still know about the new omikron variant?

– The country is in lockdown. What measures apply? (questions and answers)

Vote on a vaccine bonus of EUR 500 for seniors is shifting

We watched yesterday


12:54 – HUNGARY: In our southern neighbors, 6,390 people were infected and 195 patients died of covid. (TASR)

12:48 – PAVOL ČEKAN: “After this wave, it will end with each of us either immune – immunized-vaccinated, or overcome or dead, “Said a well-known biochemist on Rádio Expres.

12:46 – OMIKRON / EUROPE: It has so far been confirmed in ten countries of the European Union 42 cases of omicron variant. Andrea Ammon, director of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), said this on Tuesday. (TASR)

12:40 – 500-EUROVE BONUS: Vote on a vaccination bonus of EUR 500 for seniors is shifting, writes Martin Sliz.

12:37 – BORIS KLEMPA: “Get vaccinated as soon as possible,” says a well-known virologist at Radio Express. People who have a second dose should be vaccinated with a third.

Klemp is annoyed that “every Sunday of God” is an anti-vax campaign in discussion sessions. Televisions should consider calling such people into discussions at all.

12:21 – THIRD BATCH: There is great interest in vaccination with the third dose in Slovakia. In total, almost 400,000 people have already received further vaccinations.

The Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic in view of this interest recommends registration through the so-called Waiting room.

Another option is to contact the infoline of the Ministry of Health, or use the vaccination against COVID-19 at your doctor, if he offers this option.

Zuzana Eliášová, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health, informed about it.

12:09 – OMIKRON: So far, it is premature to talk about the course and severity of the disease caused by omicron variants of the new coronavirus. The Ministry of Health informed about it. (TASR)

12:03 – POLAND: They report 19,074 new cases of coronavirus infection and 526 deaths from our northern neighbors. (TASR)

11:57 – PREŠOV: Vaccination of municipal employees is at the level of 73 percent. (TASR)

11:52 – CZECH REPUBLIC: The resigned Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and the appointed Prime Minister Petr Fiala have agreed that they want to promote vaccination against covid-19. (TASR)

11:44 – BRITAIN: In Scotland, three other cases of infection with the new coronavirus variant omicron have been reported. The total number of those infected with this variant in the United Kingdom has thus increased to 14. (TASR)

11:39 – SKALICA: The hospital is divided into red and green zones. When a doctor in the red zone assesses the health condition of a suspected person and eliminates the risk of infection with a new coronavirus, the patient can enter the green so-called hospital safe zone. (TASR)

11:33 – GERMANY: Third wave measures were legal, the Constitutional Court ruled. (TASR)

11:27 – ČADCA / SCHOOL CLOSURE: Secondary and second grade primary schools will be in Kysucie from 2. 12. 2021 closed. The mayor of Čadca, Milan Gura, informed about it on the social network this morning.

11:21 – OMIKRON: The European Medicines Agency (EMA) could approve vaccines against the new variant in three to four months. (TASR)

10:53 – RUŽOMBEROK / ČADCA: The Central Military Hospital in Ružomberok lent two High Flow devices for patient ventilation in the Kysucká Hospital with a polyclinic in Čadca. (TASR)

10:46 – POLICE: In the afternoon, interim police chief Štefan Hamran is expected to report on controls of compliance with anti-pandemic measures.

10:31 – OMIKRON / FRANCE: The French authorities confirmed on Tuesday the first case of the coronavirus variant omicron, on their island Réunion in the Indian Ocean. (TASR)

10:28 – NEW CASES: You can see the distribution of the increment of new cases from PCR tests by region in the following table.

10:26 – VACCINATION: 2,637,766 people have the first dose of the vaccine in Slovakia, 2,345,447 people have the second dose of the vaccine, and 397,513 people received the third dose of the vaccine.

10:25 – HOSPITAL: Of the 3,444 patients in hospitals with covid, 317 are in the ICU, and 268 are needed to support artificial lung ventilation.

Almost 85 percent of patients are not vaccinated or have only one dose of vaccine.

10:24 – ANTIGEN TESTS: 2621 people had a positive antigen test.

10:23 – PCR TESTS: Of the 7,069 tested, almost 64 percent were not vaccinated. The most positive tests were in the Žilina region, at least in Prešov.

Zuzana Eliášová, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health, informed about it.

10:21 – COVID IDS: The National Health Information Center’s services portal allows you to view and download all EU Digital COVID cards. These are currently valid licenses as well as those issued before 1 July 2021. (TASR)

10:04 – HOSPITAL: Compared to the previous day, the number of patients on covid beds increased by 225. Currently, hospitalized 3,444 patients with covid-19.

10:02 – DEATH: They confirmed others 77 deaths on covi-19. So far, 14,418 victims have suffered a pandemic in Slovakia.

10:00 – PCR TESTS: Yesterday, 22,057 laboratory tests were completed, which were used to detect them 7,069 tested positive.

9:53 – BRITAIN: Britain since Tuesday restricted entry into the country for foreigners. (TASR)

9:45 – BORIS KLEMPA: Borders need to be rigorously controlled, the third dose of the vaccine will be very important, the virologist says about omikron.

9:22 – UKRAINE: Our eastern neighbors have noticed 10,554 new cases and 561 deaths. (TASR)

9:13 – VERONIKA REMISOVA: “At lockdown, everyone’s interest in vaccinations has declined. We are pushing for measures to be relaxed for people who are protected by vaccinations from next week when reviewing the measures, “says Chief of People and Minister of Informatization.

She believes that measures must motivate vaccination, not discourage people from being vaccinated.

9:04 – OMIKRON / USA: US President Joe Biden said the new omicron variant was “a cause for concern, but not a cause for panic.”

8:52 – GERMANY: Nearly 3,000 people attended on Monday night unannounced protest rallies against coronavirus pandemic measures in the German state of Thuringia. The DPA reported. (TASR)

8:39 – OMIKRON / MODERNA: Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel warns that covid-19 vaccination is less effective than omicron. The prices of several stocks on the stock exchange and the prices of oil fell in response to the report. (Reuters)

8:28 – OMIKRON / JAPAN: Japan confirmed on Tuesday that it had recorded first confirmed case new variant omikron. (TASR)

8:11 – BRITAIN: In the United Kingdom, the obligation to have the upper respiratory tract covered in shops or in public transport is returning, and the United Kingdom wants to limit the rate of spread of the omicron variant. (BBC)

8:00 – COMMENT: “The selfishness of the leaders of the Slovak parliamentary parties, their mutual hatred and inability to seek, find and accept functional solutions to face crises rightly raises the question of how we will face more serious threats such as the coronavirus pandemic,” writes Peter Bárdy in a recent commentary. He explains why we will not do it ourselves.

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