Presidential: among LR candidates, to each their own way of preparing for the final debate – archyworldys

The trailer is irresistible: “A few hours before the start of the activists’ vote, France Inter and France 2 offer live the decisive debate between the LR candidates vying for the nomination ”, already displays the radio site. On November 30, Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand, Eric Ciotti, Philippe Juvin and Valérie Pécresse will meet in front of the cameras for a final lap before the first lap of the primary, the result of which will be known on the evening of December 2. “The last debate is fundamental, it is the only one that people will remember when they vote”, warns someone close to Xavier Bertrand.

“You have to eat the file and stick to the news. Eric always has a file that he takes everywhere, a cardboard sleeve that never leaves him. »An adviser to Eric Ciotti

France 2, like LCI, BFM-TV and CNews, which hosted the first three debates, sent the teams of candidates on Wednesday the themes that will be discussed during the show. “It was tense because the channel was thinking of its usual audience – the retired teacher who has voted PS for fifty years, who is not really our electorate”, we confide in Ciotti’s entourage. It was also necessary to deal with the one who demanded as little debate as possible – Barnier did not want CNews on November 21 – and those who, on the contrary, dreamed of multiplying them, as the exercise succeeds them – Ciotti and Juvin. For the November 30 show, Michel Barnier’s team let it be known that he did not want the debates to be too long.

Once the calendar and the themes set, the candidates revised their recipe to pop the screen. Philippe Juvin, mayor of La Garenne-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine) and head of emergency at the Georges-Pompidou hospital, in Paris, receives at his home, on Sunday afternoon, his favorite sparring partner, the senator of Seine-Saint-Denis Philippe Dallier. “We do one-hour sessions, to sharpen the arguments. Despite the length of the debates, we are unable to impose our themes, housing, sanitation, education ”, the latter sighs. The rest of the time, Juvin talks with Xavier Lemoine, the mayor of Montfermeil, and elected officials from Hauts-de-Seine such as Yves Révillon, the mayor of Bois-Colombes.

Pécresse forced to take risks

The Eric Ciotti method is more austere. On the background, “You have to eat the file and stick to the news, summarizes an advisor. Eric always has a file that he takes everywhere, a cardboard pocket that never leaves him ». On the form, the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes rode his elements of language in the mornings or during his speeches in the provinces and waits to see if social networks engage. “When it takes, we hammer during the debates. Our theme of “death tax”, on inheritance tax, worked very well ”, rejoices a lieutenant.

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