Third dose vaccine, ok after 5 months: there is the green light

Third dose anti-covid vaccine after 5 months, there is the go-ahead. From tomorrow Wednesday 24 November it will therefore be possible to receive the ‘booster’ dose “5 months after the completion of the first cycle”. This was announced via social media by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who underlined how it is “crucial to better protect us and those around us”. “Let’s all get vaccinated to be stronger,” he added. The ok to the third dose of vaccine well a month earlier than expected so far would have come from Aifa and Cts before the announcement by the minister, as emerged during the meeting between the government and the regions at Palazzo Chigi. In the late evening, therefore, the circular: early administration of the ‘booster’ at the start starting tomorrow. Read also On the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in Italy, “these are very delicate hours in which we are evaluating further choices to be made in the interest of the country within this still open battle against the virus”, underlined Speranza in a video message sent on the occasion of the workshop national association of Aiop (Italian Association of private hospitals) on the theme ‘PNRR: opportunities for the private law component of the NHS and the role of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces’. “There is no doubt – continued the minister – that in the coming days this will still be the priority: to keep the curve under control and avoid the explosion of the contagion that we are seeing in many other European countries”. Containing the new wave of Covid-19 is an “essential, fundamental effort – he highlighted – which sees us particularly committed to the vaccination campaign”. Today, he explained again, “we exceed 87% of Italians over 12 who have taken the first dose” of the Covid-19 vaccine: “A very very relevant data, which” however “must not be considered a point of view. arrival, but one more stage. “Each additional vaccination means having a stronger shield and being able to better face the next few weeks”, in “this phase of managing Covid which is still full of challenges and pitfalls”, he specified. LA CIRCULAR ” Having regard to the opinion of the CTS of Aifa, taking into account the current condition of increased viral circulation and resumption of the epidemic curve and with a view to maximum precaution, it is reported that, starting from the day following the publication in the Official Gazette of the relative determines by Aifa, as part of the anti-Sars-CoV-2 / Covid-19 vaccination campaign, the minimum interval foreseen for the administration of the “booster” dose (booster) with m-Rna vaccine, to the categories for which it is already recommended (including tut ti subjects vaccinated with a single dose of Janssen vaccine) and in the dosages authorized for the same (30 mcg in 0.3 mL for Pfizer / BioNTech Comirnaty; 50 mcg in 0.25 mL for Moderna’s Spikevax), is updated to five months (150 days) from the completion of the primary vaccination course, regardless of the vaccine previously used. ” This is what is read in the circular of the Ministry of Health in the Gazette tomorrow and in force since Wednesday. m-RNA anti-Sars CoV-2 / Covid-19 (both in the case of primary and booster cycles) and a flu vaccine, in compliance with the rules of good vaccination practice ”. REGIONS AND SUPER GREEN PASS Nothing is decided yet, but it will be soon. In a control room and a Council of Ministers to follow that Palazzo Chigi hopes to hold already on Wednesday, at the latest on Thursday. And where the measures to be put in place to counter the fourth wave will be evaluated at 360 degrees, with the aim of keeping the country open and avoiding repercussions for an economic recovery that is finally taking decisive steps. Steps to preserve. The front of the regions appears compact at the meeting with the government, clamoring for the vaccinated to travel in the preferential lane, behind the no vaxes. Any tightness must be measured on the ‘rebels’ of the vaccine: do not pay all Italians, the request of the governors. Up to the possibility of overcoming the famous division by ‘colors’, leaving only the no vaxes out of social life, ‘rewarding’ the others, those who have chosen science to get out of the pandemic.All will therefore be decided in the next few hours, apart from third dose of the vaccine at 5 months, even if it is almost taken for granted that the vaccination obligation will not only affect healthcare personnel and RSA – as it has been until now – but in all probability it will also be extended to other categories more in contact with the public. The government also leaks the desire to expand the age range of the Green pass as much as possible, which could therefore fall below 12 years, a possible reason for a clash with the League and Matteo Salvini who, on this, has already put things in order. clear: “Clearly against”. The government does not seem to be, and in the next few hours it will also be called upon to decide the duration of the green pass and the protections for the so-called ‘two Gs’, that is, for those recovered and vaccinated. The possibility of a super Green pass that allows only these two categories to access cinemas, theaters, gyms and other recreational activities thus limiting the diehards of the vaccine is on the table. And never before does it seem to be within reach.

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