Next part of Matovič’s tax-tax reform: Taxation of self-employed persons and restaurant package of changes –

Matovic wants employees and sole traders to pay fair taxes. SZČO, which they charge, should have a quarter lower contributions than employees. According to his proposal, self-employed people who have become accustomed to flat-rate expenses should pay a flat-rate tax of 29%, which would include the tax and all levies. “With one payment of all his income, he has settled everything against the state,” sketched by the minister. According to him, in the case of a withholding flat tax, there would be no registration, the self-employed person would not have to keep accounts and he would not receive an inspection. He would register in the application.

VAT for restaurants should be 10%

According to the proposal, the VAT on restaurant services should be 10% as part of the restaurant change package. However, the condition is the introduction of a children’s menu, ie a half portion of each meal for half the price, as well as an eco menu, which would mean a half portion for three quarters of the price. He admitted that there are exceptions where it is difficult to apply. At the same time, there should be free water jug ​​for each meal and changes should also occur for tringelts. Matovič calculated that this measure, without taking into account the dynamic effects, will cost 40 million euros.

Tringelt should be a new part of the account, in the amount of 9% of the total amount of the account without VAT. “Of course, if you’re not happy, you can ask for the tringelt to be canceled before the waiter brings you the bill.” Matovič added, adding that this should put pressure on quality, especially in tourism centers.

Source: Topky / Maarty

Matovic proposes to introduce a recreational and gastro bonus

Minister of Finance Igor Matovič (OĽANO) wants to introduce a recreational and gastro bonus worth 300 euros. It should be for every citizen over the age of 60 who has been vaccinated or will be vaccinated between 1 July and 12 December this year. Its goal is to support domestic tourism. It should be applicable during 2022.

Workshop tax and tax reform

Source: Topky / Maarty

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