Covid Lombardy today, 662 infections and 11 deaths. In Milan 196 new cases

There are 662 new infections from Coronavirus today 22 November 2021 in Lombardy, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. 11 deaths have been recorded since yesterday, numbers that bring the total death toll since the start of the pandemic to 34,291. Against 41,291 swabs carried out, the ratio between positives and swabs stood at 1.6%. Intensive care admissions are on the rise: they are 65, 4 more since yesterday, while there are 686 patients not hospitalized in intensive care, 20 more since yesterday. There are 196 new positives at Covid in the province of Milan in the last 24 hours, of which 82 in the city of Milan. As for the other provinces of Lombardy, 63 cases are recorded in Bergamo, in Brescia 80, in Como 27, in Cremona 19, in Lecco 8, in Lodi 3, in Mantua 35, in Monza 58, in Pavia 26, in Sondrio 33 and in Varese. 96.

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