Covid and after-effects from vaccines, illnesses or injuries: what you need to know

From aching arm to fever, from headache to severe tiredness, from stomach and intestinal problems to drowsiness. Vaccination can lead to disturbances that make it difficult to carry out work. Leaving aside, in this context, the most serious and permanent consequences, fortunately very rare, one wonders how the absence due to vaccine disease, or after-effects of the vaccine, should be treated. With particular reference to the Covid-19 vaccination, mandatory for numerous categories of workers, one wonders, in detail, whether it is an ordinary absence due to illness, therefore compensated by INPS, or an accident at work. To raise the issue, recalls, it was the Professional Association of Local Police of Italy – Anvu, with a question sent to Inail. Regarding the staff of educational institutions, the Department for Public Administration has provided important clarifications on the rules applicable to absences from work for Covid-19 vaccination: any absences due to the after-effects of the vaccine are considered days of ordinary illness. , and for vaccines related to diseases other than coronavirus. After-effects of the vaccine: absence due to illness Regardless of the type of vaccination carried out, if the worker has difficulty carrying out his activity due to fever, headache or other vaccine after-effects, the first thing to do is to go to your doctor . These, after a visit, will be able to establish if the severity of the symptoms is such as to be incompatible with the performance of the work activity and to assign the necessary rest days. In this regard, he must electronically transmit the sickness certificate to INPS and provide the worker with the registration number, which the latter must send to the employer. Post-effects of the vaccine: fiscal visit As for all sick leave, even in the case of a pathology deriving from a vaccination, the worker is required to be on call during the time slots provided for the fiscal visit by the INPS doctor: – from 10 am : 00 to 12:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00, for private sector workers; – from 9:00 to 13:00, and from 15:00 to 18:00, for civil servants. absences from the tax visit due to carrying out therapies or specialist visits (for which the worker must in any case warn and provide appropriate certification), as well as those required. To learn more, read the guide to the tax visit. Consequences of the Covid vaccine: illness or injury? With regard to the after-effects of the Covid vaccine, the Anvu (professional association of the local police of Italy) claims, in a question recently sent to Inail, that according to the law and the clarifications of the same Institute [1] the reaction to the compulsory Covid vaccine that causes temporary disability with abstention from work must be treated as an accident at work, therefore within the competence of Inail, not as an ordinary disease, within the competence of INPS (or, based on the category of belonging of the worker, within the competence of another welfare / social security institution or of the employer / administration) According to the Association, the event is to be classified as an accident at work because: – a health problem occurs (fever , headache, muscle aches, other types of malaise); – there is an opportunity to work, in all cases in which vaccination is mandatory or in any case necessary for carrying out the work activity, as well as in the case in which vaccination is carried out at work; – there is a violent cause (a needle punctures the skin of the worker with a rapid, intense and concentrated action); – the violent cause is also external (the needle introduces a “foreign” substance from the outside into the worker’s body). ‘Inail, underlines that, on the basis of what is described in the leaflets and in the various information notices, it is necessary to take note of the link between vaccination and symptoms, since, with regard to work accidents, the principle of simple presumption applies: consequently, the event must be treated as an accident at work. On the question posed, the Inail answer has not yet intervened. To learn more about the protections regarding accidents at work, read “Accidents at work, what does Inail pay?”. Absences of school staff due to after-effects of the Covid vaccine The Sostegni decree, with specific reference to the staff of educational institutions, provides, first of all, that the absence for the administration of the Covid vaccine is justified as an absence for service and does not lead to any curtailment The Department for Public Administration has subsequently specified that any absences due to after-effects from the anti-Covid vaccine must be managed as an ordinary disease and are subject to the salary deduction. it does not affect the salaries of teachers and other public employees, but only the ancillary emoluments linked to productivity and presence in the service. It is therefore misleading to speak of withholding, because the non-payment concerns the service not performed. For teachers, the non-payment of the accessory for sick leave is in any case estimated between 5 and 9 euros gross per day and does not apply to diseases with a duration of more than 10 days, nor diseases related to hospitalizations, day hospital, accidents, life-saving therapies. the administration of the vaccine, on the model of what happens for the donation of blood.

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