A drunken Sagan injured a police officer. He was afraid that they would want to vaccinate him – PRAVDA.sk

Drunk. Fearing they would vaccinate him. Cycling champion Peter Sagan was given a severe penalty for injuring a Monaco policeman.

According to the French media, which came out with this report until today, the Slovak star was fined 5,000 euros for the incident that took place on April 25, just after midnight. In a vehicle driven by his brother Juraj.

The two returned home at night to their Monaco headquarters at a time when the coronavirus pandemic had banned people from going out in France. The Saganovs were stopped by a local police patrol, and when they urged them to get out of the car, the tension gradually escalated.

According to the portal Nice-Matin the three-time world champion resisted to such an extent that he injured the local sergeant, who was unable to work for another two days.

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His lawyer argued that Sagan had been without his lawyer for an hour and a half, and that the facts had not been reported to him until two and a half hours after his arrest. He also denied that his client was aggressive, he was only said to be angry.

Both the judge and the prosecutor rejected all the objections of the defense.

“He no longer remembered what happened in the police detention cell and apologized for it. He justified his anger by fear that he would be forced to be vaccinated. In the end, it became clear that the reason for all the problems was excessive alcohol consumption, which he is not used to, “the judge said.

In addition to the 5,000 fine for the rebellion, Sagan has to pay another 1,500 euros to the victim. He declared before the judge that his annual income is 450 thousand euros a year, but it is a public secret that until recently he was the best earning cyclist in the world and his income was 5.5 million euros a year.

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The best Slovak cyclist of all time and one of the best athletes ever overcame the coronavirus in February. He had a moderate course, the disease affected him during the concentration in Mallorca. In some countries, vaccination is not recommended until six months after the disease has passed. For example, in Italy.

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