Gym manager Scampia: “Gomorrah creates an alternative figure, this is how crime is fed”

“If the producer does not want to interrupt that broadcast, because sooner or later we succeed, he should create an antagonist of Gomorrah. The boys must also understand what are the good examples and this is what I think a film institution should do, offer an alternative image, a virtuous example “. Gianni Maddaloni, Judo master who runs a gym in Scampia that takes many kids off the street, comments on the shooting of the popular television series at Adnkronos. “Another harmful fiction is ‘Mare Fuori’: I in Nisida (the juvenile prison, ed) have been there for years because I had four boys to put out of there, I did it with two who went to work and I failed with the other two, back in crime. Nisida is not that, it is not the boys who kick the inspector. There is a director, Gianluca Guida, who gives rules and values ​​to the boys and trains them – he presses Maddaloni – In Scampia, people thank for the example of my son Pino, the Olympic champion who comes out of the brown sail, where he lived, and won the Olympics, four world cups and 13 titles in Italy. But that’s not enough, we we are losing ground because of these generalizations “..” Gomorrah does nothing but ruin dozens and dozens of children who have no parents, who do not have a suburban culture, who can be easily lost by seeing wrong examples. Not having who makes them reason, they see therefore in this example the winning model . This is how crime feeds itself. Now I am in a final of the Italian junior championships with four boys and a girl from Scampia. Five young people, all from Scampia – continues the Judo master – who make sacrifices to emerge and set a just example. Saviano broke up, I’m very angry and saddened “. (By Silvia Mancinelli)

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