Vaccine against Covid-19: the High Authority of Health recommends a third dose from 40 years old

While the Covid-19 epidemic is once again gaining ground in France, the High Authority of Health (HAS) recommended, Friday, November 19, to widen the perimeter of the populations eligible for a vaccine booster dose, by proposing it from the age of 40, six months after a complete primary vaccination.

The latest studies indeed suggest a benefit for this age group, explains the HAS in a press release, noting that “The current circulation of SARS-CoV-2 has again accelerated on metropolitan territory for several weeks”.

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Only people over the age of 65 and people at risk of severe Covid-19 have so far been eligible for a booster dose. In a speech of almost half an hour, Emmanuel Macron announced on November 9 that this additional dose of vaccine would be necessary to extend the health pass for over 65s, and that a recall campaign would begin at the beginning of December for those over 50. . The HAS therefore goes further, recommending this recall from the age of 40.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, reaffirmed the opening, “From the beginning of December”, from vaccination to those over 50 years old “As announced by the President of the Republic”. “The extension of the recall to under 50s will be studied soon”, he added.

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Earlier in the day, questioned on the sidelines of a trip to the North on the generalization of this booster dose, the Head of State replied that the executive was awaiting the opinion of the health authorities in order to be able, “Enlightened by science”, “Organize things in the fastest, most efficient way possible”. “We realize that after about six months, the vaccine loses its effectiveness and therefore it is necessary at that time to do this booster as we do every year for the flu”, said Macron.

“I believe that we are all more or less enlightened to say that, for the over 50s, it is almost certain that we need it. Between 40 and 50 years old, it is the High Authority for Health who will tell us ”, he added. Corn “I wouldn’t be surprised if we were gradually moving towards booster shots for all adults who have been vaccinated, that’s the meaning of the story”, he said, however.

The High Authority for Health, which has already issued several opinions concerning adults over 50 or caregivers, explains its new recommendation by several data which “Reinforce the benefit of a recall”. It is based in particular on the example of Israel, where this dose “Confers excellent levels of protection against infection with SARS-CoV-2, including in people under the age of 60”.

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Rise of contaminations in France

“Data from a large Israeli observational study published in [la revue scientifique] The Lancet provide a strong case for a booster dose in people aged 40 and over ”, continues the HAS. We observe in fact “A reduction in the risk of infections, severe forms, hospitalizations and death in people aged 40 and over who received a booster dose, compared to those who did not”.

France, like the rest of Europe, is facing a rise in cases of coronavirus contamination. As of Friday, 1,353 patients were hospitalized in critical care due to Covid-19, a figure up 19 from Thursday. In addition, nearly 11,500 new positive cases, on average, are recorded every day.

The American health authorities for their part announced Friday to have given their green light for a third dose of Covid-19 vaccine for all fully immunized adults at least six months ago.

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Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

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