Heger takes Žilina’s decision to verify statements about Magušinová, Hanus z Postoja considers it misguided (poll) – Denník N

On the anniversary of the Gentle Revolution, Attorney General Maroš Žilinka announced that he would have verified the crime of defamation of the nation, race and conviction by statements by SME commentator Petr Tkačenek on Twitter to the singer Sima Magušinová. The exchange of views on Twitter between Tkachenko and Rad Ondřejíček, who is the author of the Cynical Monster, has become a widely discussed topic in recent days.

Rado Ondřejíček apologized for his comment, in which he described the singer as disabled because she is a Christian. This was also done by SME editor-in-chief Beata Balogová, commentator Tkačenko did not do so. Let us recall that he originally published that it was time to write a magazine for Magušinová, and after Ondřejíček’s comment on his status, he wrote that Magušinová should be sewn so that she would not continue production.

The Attorney General has now commissioned the Office of the Special Prosecutor’s Office, which has crimes against extremism, to look into the case.

Denik N addressed politicians and lawyers with the following question:

How do you evaluate Maroš Žilinka’s decision to check the statements of the SME commentator about the singer Sime Magušinová, which he announced to the public on November 17?

Eduard Heger, Prime Minister, OĽaNO

Prime Minister Eduard Heger took note of Attorney General Maroš Žilinka’s decision. The remarks made by the singer Simy Magušinová by SME commentators were far beyond what the prime minister calls a culture of respect. Unfortunately, this raw language is dangerously widespread in social media communication and is used by people from different opinion camps. The Prime Minister expects the Prosecutor General’s Office to be consistent in protecting legality in the case of both verbal and non-verbal statements.

Martin Hanus, editor – in – chief, Postoj.sk

Since this case concerns us personally because of our colleague, I will start

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