Nobody’s Child on France 2: what is the punchy TV movie worth with Isabelle Carré and Andréa Bescond? – AlloCine

Awarded at the last La Rochelle Festival, “L’Enfant de personne”, with Isabelle Carré, Andréa Bescond and Nawell Madani, is broadcast this evening on France 2. A TV movie not to be missed, adapted from Lyes Louffok’s story, on the fate of foster children.

What is it about ?

Lyes is brutally torn from Émilie, the foster mother who took him in as a baby, and who would like to adopt him. The child thus finds himself confronted with the violence of the homes of the ASE, which refuses to cut the link with the biological mother, yet unable to take care of him. Agathe, Émilie’s sister, never abandoned the child.

She will fight against the system to try to maintain a link with him, determined to take him into her home to help him rebuild.

Monday November 15 at 9:05 p.m. on France 2

Who is it with?

Presented last September at the La Rochelle TV Fiction Festival, from where it left with the Best Unitarian prize, L’Enfant de personne is first and foremost carried by three talented young actors, Yassine Chorfa, Abdelmadjid Guemri and Moncef Farfar , who camp Lyes at 6, 11 and 16, respectively.

In front of them, the viewers of France 2 will find Isabelle Carré, Andréa Bescond (Les Chatouilles) and Nawell Madani (C’est tout pour moi) in the roles of Agathe, Lyes’ aunt, of the social worker of the ASE and an educator who will try somehow to help the young boy.

Rémy Grandroques – CAPA DRAMA – FTV

Well worth a look ?

Written by Dominique Garnier and Zoé Galeron, Nobody’s Child brilliantly adapts Lyes Louffok’s punchy testimony book, In the hell of homes, published in 2014.

Akim Isker’s TV movie (Ben, Double Je) indeed retraces with force and modesty the terrible years of wandering lived by Lyes Louffok during his childhood and adolescence, when he was tossed from foster families to hostels, and confronted with abuse, dropping out of school, violence, physical and sexual, and the injustice of an entire system.

True cry of alarm which takes in the guts and revolt, The Child of Person is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful unitaries proposed on television in recent years. A poignant, hard-hitting drama that denounces the violence suffered by children in care and the abuses of a system – child welfare – which we discover here all the flaws.

Because while Lyes could receive all the necessary love from her aunt, embodied by the excellent Isabelle Carré, who only asks to welcome her at home, the social services refuse Emilie’s request and thus prolong the child’s ordeal.

Rémy Grandroques – CAPA DRAMA – FTV

To serve his purpose, the director Akim Isker has also had the good idea to surround himself with formidable actors, who further raise the level of this magnificent TV movie. Andréa Bescond is crazy right in the skin of Jeanne, the social worker of the ASE in charge of Lyes’ case, while Nawell Madani is surprising in a role against employment.

As for the three young performers of Lyes, Moncef Farfar, Yassine Chorfa, and Abdelmadjid Guemri, they are simply bluffing truth and have amply deserved the prize of the Young male hope that they won, as a trio, in La Rochelle.

The Child of Person is a real work of public service, which aims to sound the alarm bells and open our eyes to the hell that children in care live. A TV movie not to be missed, from which you come out upset and filled with anger.

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