Details of a nationwide lockdown for vaccinees in Austria. It will be valid from Monday –

13. 11. 2021 18:35 | VIENNA / TASR

The number of new infections in the country has risen sharply.

Illustration photo.
Photo: AP Photo / Ronald Zak

In Austria, a nationwide lockdown will apply for the unvaccinated against the coronavirus on Monday night. Children under the age of 12 will have an exception. This follows from the Austrian government’s draft anti-pandemic measures, which the APA news agency had access to.

Austrians who have not been vaccinated against covid or who have not overcome the disease will be allowed to leave their apartment only for reasons that have been the case with the lockdown in the past. It will be, for example, a trip to work, to a doctor or to other medical facilities, to secure the necessary purchases such as food, physical or mental relaxation or to satisfy basic religious needs. They will also be allowed to leave the house if people go vaccinated.

Exit restrictions for unvaccinated people are intended to prevent the collapse of medical care, the proposal said.

This regulation must be formally approved by the main committee of the National Council on Sunday evening. Given that the coalition government of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) and the Greens has a majority in parliament, this proposal will certainly pass. The regulation is due to enter into force until 24 November, after which it would have to be extended.

Since the beginning of this week, only vaccinated and overwhelmed people are allowed to enter restaurants, tourist, cultural and sports facilities in Austria. From the beginning of November, the unvaccinated must regularly prove themselves in the workplace with a negative test.

A video conference between the federal prime ministers and Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg will take place on Sunday – they will talk about possible further measures against the coid in the face of soaring infections.

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