Former Prime Minister P. Pellegrini testifies on NAKA –

Peter Pellegrini after questioning at NAKA.
Photo: Zuzana Ferenčáková

Non-parliamentary party leader Voice and MP Peter Pellegrini testified on Friday (November 12) on NAKA. Before him, he didn’t know what the case would be. In the end, it was about an alleged bribe in a champagne box. The case rolled over in July.

Ladislav Smejkal, Miroslav Výboh’s lawyer in the Mýtnik case, was also present, and he is also being questioned by Pellegrini. In this case, the former head of the taxpayers, František Imrecze, also testifies.

The accused in the Mýtnik case – former head of the financial administration František Imrecze and businessman Michal Suchoba also testified about other bribes. As Secretary of State at the Ministry of Finance, Pellegrini was to improve by € 150,000 from one “business”.

Peter Pellegrini and NAKA. Photo: Adel Ghannam

In 2013 and 2014, Suchob’s company Allexis also worked on a virtual cash register project worth EUR 5.5 million. The Minister of Finance at that time was Peter Kažimír and the Secretary of State was Peter Pellegrini.

Imrecze according to the portal he claims that he negotiated the cooperation at an informal dinner with Pellegrini. “He also asked me if Michal Suchoba was willing to financially support the implementation of this legislative change, so he specifically meant the commission for the implementation of this legislative change,” the former head of taxpayers was told by investigators.

František Imrecze and Peter Kažimír in the archive picture.

František Imrecze and Peter Kažimír in the archive picture. Photo: TASR – Marko Erd

However, the realization of the “reward” was to take place through an intermediary, specifically through the oligarch Miroslav Výboh, whom at the time was considered one of the patrons of the Direction. Subsequently, the meeting between Imrecze and Výboh is also confirmed by Suchob.

“Pelle thanks”

According to Suchobová, a powerful man close to Smer was to quantify at the meeting the value of political support for the change in the law.

“After a 30-minute debate, he told us that it would be good to give the Secretary of State a VERP (virtual electronic cash register, editor’s note). When asked what he said, he said 150,000 euros, “Suchoba told investigators.

According to the statement, Suchoba subsequently brought a bribe in the amount of 150,000 to Výboh in a box of champagne and there was also a message that “Pelle thanks”.

Pellegrini refuses

“I do not know the content of Mr. Imrecze’s statement and I have no idea what he is talking about in his alleged statement. All I can say to Mr Imrecz is that I have certainly never asked him for any ‘financial support’ or any other benefit, “he said after the case rolled over. Pellegrini.

“In this case, it is a matter of denigrating the chairman of the strongest opposition party. I have no idea what or who is leading Mr. Imrecze to claim such a lie. I firmly believe that this is not his revenge against me for not being appointed Minister of Finance, “added Hlas leader.

At the end of 2014, the deputies really approved an amendment to the law, which was to start using the virtual treasury from 1 April 2015, and the taxpayers were able to sign an amendment to the contract with Allexis.

We also addressed the topic in Televízní noviny.

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