DIRECT. Jogger disappeared in Mayenne: the teenager heard again, a story … –

MISSING JOGGER. A new hearing of the jogger who disappeared in Mayenne is scheduled for Friday 12 November 2021, while many gray areas remain in the case. Update on the investigation.

The essential

  • A new hearing of the jogger who disappeared Monday, November 8 in Mayenne, then found the next day, is scheduled for Friday, November 12, 2021. It should shed light on many gray areas of the case.
  • Investigators are working exclusively on the basis of the statements of this 17-year-old girl, who recounted being abducted by two men whom she could not describe and mentioned a green van, also not giving any details on the place where she would have been kidnapped.
  • First hospitalized after taking refuge in a kebab in Sablé-sur-Sarthe, the teenager returned to her home since Wednesday afternoon.


09:45 – The story of the young jogger called into question? (1/2)

The young jogger who disappeared Monday 8 and reappeared the next day must be heard again this Friday, November 12, in a context where the gray areas are pointed out in the account she gave to investigators last Wednesday. This new interrogation will be more extensive and longer than the first, during which the teenager was bedridden and in a state of shock, which could explain the inconsistencies of her account: “New elements corroborate the first doubts of the investigators. There is more and more inconsistencies but we must be careful. They could also be explained by the state of the young woman at the time of her very brief first hearing “, confided this Thursday, November 11 to Parisian a source close to the investigations. The absence of witnesses having seen the green van and the inability of the inspectors to spot this van on the CCTV cameras, as well as the impossibility for the jogger to remember the model of the van, its make or its license plate, add to these doubts. Furthermore, the suspects mentioned by the teenager have not been identified – and the 17-year-old failed to describe them, where she never mentioned a balaclava they would wear in order to cover up their identity or blindfold that they would have put on his eyes.

09:04 – The “disappearance” privileged to the hypothesis of the “sequestration”

What happened the whole day after Lisa’s parents called, never returned from her jogging that evening? Wednesday evening, the prosecutor specified that it was more today “of a disappearance” than “of a hypothesis”. But the investigation is still underway to shed light on the still unclear elements of the case.

08:59 – A new audition of the teenager scheduled for Friday

The 17-year-old jogger will be heard again by investigators on Friday November 12, 2021, have learned The Parisian and BFM TV. A new step which promises to be crucial in the investigation because the reconstruction of the facts is proving difficult for the investigators. The latter only have the elements declared by the teenager, which would be, in certain respects, inconsistent.

We will have to wait for the statements of the public prosecutor or the head of the gendarmerie cell in charge of the investigation to understand the circumstances of this disappearance. However, it seems that the jogger was the victim of an abduction. According to France Info, she herself assured to have managed to flee the kidnappers. On BFMTV, a witness assured Wednesday morning: “The girl would have escaped from the vehicle of her captor and found refuge in the kebab which was next to it and asked for help. And, suddenly, the kidnapper fled. “.

“Apparently, she escaped from the place where she was held. There are already elements and investigators have at their disposal all the CCTV images of the city. The deployment will remain important to find the perpetrator or perpetrators of this act. abject and things will go very quickly, “said Wednesday, the mayor of Sablé-sur-Sarthe Nicolas Leudière, on the air of RMC. “It’s a relief for everyone, I saw it in the eyes of the gendarmes and also for his parents and his family, I think they have lived the last 24 hours very hard,” he said. added. A little earlier, in the evening of Tuesday, the Laval prosecutor’s office had made public the good news, indicating that the investigations would continue “to specify the schedule of the young girl of this last day”.

The decision to open an investigation for kidnapping and forcible confinement on Tuesday, November 9, before the young girl was found, also suggests that the trail of the kidnapping is favored by the investigators in charge of the case. Indeed, during the press conference that the prosecutor of the Republic of Laval, Céline Maigné, had given Tuesday 9 around 5 pm, she had declared: “This qualification of kidnapping and forcible confinement is punishable by a tort. in the event that the perpetrator voluntarily and quickly releases the detained person “, appearing to be addressing a possible kidnapper.

The day after her disappearance, the number of security forces mobilized during the search for the young girl had been considerably increased. Tuesday, November 9, at the beginning of the afternoon, there are no less than 200 gendarmes from Mayenne, Maine-et-Loire and Sarthe who were mobilized. A squadron, an equestrian unit, a helicopter from Rennes, two dog teams and a river brigade from Nantes helped search for the teenager. From Monday evening 8, the investigation was entrusted to the research section of Angers and the research brigade of the gendarmerie company of Château-Gontier sur Mayenne, according to the prosecution. Tuesday morning, around 10 a.m. a dog had been brought to the family home and also followed the path the young woman usually takes to run.

The day before, the 17-year-old had not returned from her jogging, which she used to do between the municipalities of Saint-Loup-du-Dorat and Saint-Brice. According to the first indications, she had “left her home around 4 pm in the town of Saint-Brice”, then specified the prosecutor of the Republic of Laval, Céline Maigné. The latter also held a press conference on Tuesday, November 9 at around 5 p.m. Moreover, contrary to information first disclosed, it seems that the young girl did not have the habit of running in the enclosure of the forest of Bellebranche: her father indeed declared that her “daughter did not run. in the forest. She’s forbidden to do that. She respects him and she always has. She ran on roads around the house. “

During her speech on Tuesday, November 9, the prosecutor of the Republic of Laval had specified that the investigations carried out seemed to confirm the departure of the young girl around 4 p.m. on November 8, 2021. She then listed some elements of the profile of the ‘disappeared teenager, explaining in particular that this one did not present “of notable particularity”, that it was “perfectly integrated”, “surrounded” and “sporty”. Despite the large device deployed, Céline Maigné had also recalled that “the current investigations have only just begun and are numerous”, specifying that they were taking place on a field “of a difficult nature because extensive”. It extends over 190 hectares. In this context, an investigation for kidnapping and forcible confinement was opened.

She used to run for about an hour, according to testimonies cited by authorities. Not seeing her return, Monday evening November 8, 2021, her father reported her disappearance to the gendarmerie around 6:40 p.m. He then went himself on the route she usually took. At the edge of the woods, he discovered his GPS watch, his cell phone and his headphones, which showed traces of blood. Also, France Blue Mayenne observes that the application she was using to record her journey time, in order to post it on social networks, suddenly stopped that evening. The Parisian had access to a screenshot of this application, where the young girl’s route is detailed: from 3:49 p.m., the young woman would have run 1.23 km before the application stopped at a crossroads. At the high school, where she is educated, the students and teachers were informed of the situation when they arrived in class and are extremely shocked.

For now, the identity of the 17-year-old has not been disclosed by the judicial authorities or the Laval prosecutor. The only elements communicated depict the portrait of a sporty and surrounded young girl who has no profile of a runaway. “She played sports regularly, with her dad, who played football,” testifies one of her neighbors to our colleagues in Ouest France. Le Parisien also describes, based on a testimony from one of his classmates, a young girl who “ran regularly, loved it and had a hell of a stride”. The teenager had said on a daily basis: “We had run together and we had exchanged a lot because I am a volunteer firefighter and she is for her part a member of the young firefighters”. Schooled in Raphaël Elizé high school in Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe), the teenager is currently in final year. His father works in a factory in the same city and is very involved in a local sports association.

According to RTLMonday evening, November 8, a 42-year-old man, in a very advanced state of intoxication, contacted the gendarmerie on numerous occasions, demanding news on the disappearance of the 17-year-old girl. Arrested the same evening in view of this behavior considered “suspicious”, he went through a sobering-up cell before being taken into police custody. The potential suspect is, according to LCI, known for common law facts. For the moment, no information allows to establish a link between the man and the young missing.

However, this Wednesday morning, November 10, the man was released. In a press release, the prosecutor of the Republic of Laval, Céline Maigné, explains that “the investigations carried out have made it possible to clarify the elements which motivated this measure and to rule out the implication of the accused person”.

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