Agriculture, Margiotta (Confsal): “Factory of skills to relaunch the sector in the South”

The first stage of a common path that brings together, as the Labor Front, the representatives of workers and companies to offer their contribution of ideas in defense of work, for the increase of employment, for the defense of the competitiveness of companies , for the restart of the country. The proposal was the focus of the meeting “Let’s share workers and companies together for a new pact to relaunch agriculture in the South”, which took place at Palazzo Merulana in Rome, organized by Confsal and the Agriculture Department. “We need a common battle to create a skills factory in the South in agriculture that allows young people to stay and train. There are only two technical institutes of higher education in the agro-food sector in the South, we must turn on the lights on this problem”, so Confsal Secretary General Angelo Raffaele Margiotta declared opening the meeting. How is it possible to bridge that atavistic gap between the north and south of the country? What incentives and what policies are needed to protect the environment, to develop a more sustainable economy? And finally, what can be done to stop the plague of illegal hiring and the bleeding of young people who leave the South every year in search of a better future? The Pnrr offers an unmissable opportunity but what matters most is knowing how to spend these funds in the best possible way and offer administrators, workers and companies the necessary tools. Carfagna, ‘relaunch agreement is a necessity for the country and for the South’ ” our strong will to make agriculture a real manifesto of the recovery but we must make an enormous effort: if there is no cultural basis and a vision, only the chatter for media use remains “, added Margiotta.” The pact of The relaunch we are talking about today is not only a project but a necessity of the country, the agricultural sector must be aware of its new centrality, which the green turning point underway throughout the West makes it a protagonist “, explained the minister of South Mara Carfagna. “In the agri-food sector – in fact – it is estimated that it will be possible to create up to one million new green jobs within the next ten years with a decisive shift in agriculture towards the green revolution, ecological transition and digital”, confirmed the Deputy Minister for Economic Development Gilberto Pichetto Fratin. And organic plays a fundamental role in the South. “Mipaaf is about to launch a series of communication initiatives aimed at promoting organic products and supply chains”, announced the undersecretary of Mipaaf Francesco Battistoni. According to the president of the agriculture commission of the Chamber, Francesco Gallinella “the challenge that awaits us is to produce more high quality food while reducing the environmental impact”. De Castro, ‘the commercial dimension is as important as quality, forming a team’For the Vice-President of the European Parliament Paolo De Castro “the commercial dimension is as important as the quality of the product, organizational capacity is needed”. “We need to be less individualistic and create a system”, said Ismea president Angelo Frascarelli. “But the biggest challenge is to give young people the opportunity to identify the financial instruments suitable for the development of their business ideas”, added Antonino Sgrò, president of the Order of agronomists and forestry doctors of the province of Reggio Calabria. “Workers and young people are the strong point, it is necessary to guarantee measures to protect regular work and the suppression of undeclared work “, explains Cosimo Nesci, manager of the Confsal agriculture department. “Our battle as Confsal and the department for the South is that agricultural workers are also part of the Gol program. Only through training – concluded Mariella Mamone – can we ensure that young people are attractive to the labor market”.

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