Third vaccine dose, Bassetti: “From December to 40-60 years? Too early”

The announcement by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza that from 1 December we will start with the third dose for the 40-60 year range “seems to me a flight forward in the sense that we are sure that by that date we have vaccinated all the over 60 and the frail ? “. So at Adnkronos Salute Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious disease department of the San Martino hospital in Genoa. “Open now to 40-year-olds who got vaccinated many in August, so six months won’t have passed by December 1, I wouldn’t want it to end up creating the psychosis of the third dose. I’m not so sure if 40-year-olds already need the I recall, the priorities remain the over 60s and the frail “.

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