Volpato (Banca Mediolanum): “Pir is an efficient tool for accumulating wealth”

The second day of Wobi 2021, the World Business Forum organized in Milan, sees Pir (Individual Savings Plans) among the topics covered. “The law establishing the Individual Savings Plans represents the greatest opportunity for Italian savers. – explains Stefano Volpato, Commercial Director of Banca Mediolanum – We all know that the Italian saver is a world leader in the ability to accumulate wealth. The latest data indicate in the 20% of gross income is the share that Italian citizens set aside for their future needs. This law goes in the direction of making this provision extremely efficient. We are given the opportunity to obtain a tax advantage of up to 30 thousand euros per year for a maximum of € 150,000 in five years “. The opportunities that PIRs offer to savers are various: “First of all, the reference market because a product to be PIR Compliant must invest 30% in the world economy and 70% in Italian companies or companies with a permanent establishment in Italy. – continues Volpato – Investing in a PIR therefore means investing in the most prodigious machine capable of creating value that is the world economy. A second advantage lies in the legislation that ensures that the moment we enter the markets is diversified and this is a element that always generates value “. The permanence in the markets represents another virtuous element of PIRs: “The average time of this type of investment is around 15 years and staying invested for 15 years always gives very important rewards. Finally, the tax advantage, investing in PIRs, should be emphasized. it means not having any type of taxation according to the limits imposed by the legislation. This is why PIRs are a tool that obliges the saver to adopt virtuous behavior and at the same time is the most efficient for setting aside wealth “.

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