Corsica in orange vigilance “rain-flood” this Tuesday evening – Corse-Matin

Meteo France placed the entire Corsica in orange alert “rain-flood “ for some thunderstorms expected from 10 p.m. and until late Wednesday afternoon. The end of the phenomenon is expected this Wednesday 6 p.m.

READ ALSO: 150 to 200 mm of rain expected this Tuesday evening in the Eastern Plain

The expected rainfall phenomenon is qualified as “serious” by the meteorological body even if it is not “not exceptional”, with cumulative amounts expected for the entire episode between 100 and 120 mm, with locally 150 mm on the eastern slopes of the Corsican relief and up to 80 mm on the coast.

During the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, thunderstorms will affect the south and east of Corsica, Météo-France specifies.

In the middle of the night, these thunderstorms should intensify with rainfall intensities of the order of 30 mm / h and accumulations over three hours which could reach “60 to 80 mm”.

After a lull at the end of the night and in the morning of Wednesday, a new thunderstorm line should rise from the south and bring from the end of the morning moderate to heavy rains over eastern Corsica until the end of the afternoon. midday, with intensities of the order of 20 to 30 mm / h.

The thunderstorm line should then lose activity as it progresses northward and evacuate on Wednesday evening.

Météo-France calls for the greatest vigilance, recommending to avoid moving, to move away from waterways, especially not to take a submerged road, even partially, not to descend into the sub -soils and keep informed.

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