‘Concreteness to build the future’, clinical engineers at the conference

The need to offer “robust, competent and reliable bases for the qualitative and technological renewal of the National Health Service”, exploiting the “great opportunity” offered by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. This is the central theme of the 21st National Congress of the AIIC, the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers, scheduled from 11 to 13 November at the East End Studios in Milan. ‘Towards a new SSN. Professionals, innovation and Pnrr ‘is the title of the 3 days. “The challenge is concreteness”, warns the AIIC, presenting the event, the “keystone” around which to build post-Covid healthcare. “The National Recovery and Resilience Plan expresses very clear concepts when it comes to healthcare – says Umberto Nocco, Aicc president – It focuses on proximity networks, innovation and research, digitization and telemedicine. We all know that renewal is based on these pillars. of the National Health Service which needs to relaunch the quality of care, real innovation, interconnected and patient-centered healthcare, the new organization “. All topics that clinical engineers intend to address “with that pragmatic approach that is specific to our profession – underlines Nocco – We ask ourselves how the PNRR will translate into executive projects? What does the NHS and the various regional services need to renew itself? Will the projects of the Plan connect to the digital ecosystem of our country? How will the professions dialogue to bring about this change? We have created different moments of multidisciplinary discussion precisely because we believe that there are multiple points of view with which to observe and judge the PNRR, which is a a great opportunity that must be seized in all its scope “. Seventy appointments on the congress agenda, including plenary and parallel sessions and training courses. “All the critical issues experienced daily by the NHS and colleagues, before and during the pandemic period, are part of our program that looks to the future with our feet firmly planted in the present – remarks Lorenzo Leogrande, past president of the AIIC and president of the summit – For this reason we wanted sessions dedicated to the deepening of the PNRR and the integration between the National Health Service and Regional Services, cybersecurity and telemedicine, hospital design – asking ourselves if design aesthetics come first or the need to organize spaces based on the response to the needs – and also to the training and professional paths of younger colleagues. The great response in terms of registrations and participants, which will be over 1,500, confirms that the conference program has hit the mark, arousing attention and strong desire participation “. At the Aiic National Conference, after the inaugural greeting given by the vice president and s Lombardy Region Welfare Sender, Letizia Moratti, will be attended by some of the leading experts in health policy and technological innovation: from Silvio Garattini (president and founder of the Mario Negri Irccs Pharmacological Research Institute) to Stefano Lorusso (head of the Technical Secretariat of the Minister of Health), from Massimiliano Boggetti (president of Confindustria medical devices), to Nino Cartabellotta (president of the Gimbe Foundation), from Achille Iachino (Directorate General for Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Service, Ministry of Health) to Drougkas Athanasios (director of European Union Agency for Cybersecurity), lists a note.One of the richest sessions – it reads – will be ‘Clinical engineers and healthcare professionals. Only good neighborly relations? ‘ (16-17.30, 12 November) and will bring together clinical engineers, cardiologists, interventional cardiologists, anesthetists, hospital pharmacists, to create a platform for dialogue and collaboration between professionals who share the daily work on health technologies. ‘Contents and access to the work of the clinical engineer profession’ (11, 13 November) will be the final session of the meeting, “a dialogue proposed above all to young professionals and university students. Because the profession attracts many young people – highlights Leogrande – and the national event is the best opportunity to introduce them to a world that is an authentic window open to the future “.

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