Disabled: Berti (Confindustria devices), ‘with inadequate aids risk of collateral pathologies’

“The use of an inappropriate aid can generate collateral pathologies in people with disabilities, not a direct consequence of the patient’s disability, and this represents a cost for the National Health Service”. Thus Alessandro Berti, president of aids of Confindustria medical devices, spoke during the webinar ‘Complex aids and inclusion: people at the center in the proposal of Confindustria medical devices’, explaining how the general tenders for this type of products – caused by the failure application by the Regions of the provisions of Article 30 of the Dpcm of 12 January 2017 – prevented the assignment of the appropriate aid to patients. “We companies are not absolutely opposed to tenders – he specified – The problem is bad tenders. On standard aids you can also compete, as long as they are not reduced and quality is enhanced”. “This distortion – concluded Berti – it has triggered a different treatment of people with disabilities from region to region and it is demoralizing, both for those who do this work and for those who develop the technologies of aids “.

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