‘Healthy Aging Week 2021’ kicks off

Health Aging Week 2021 kicks off today, a week of in-depth studies dedicated to successful aging that will take place until November 13 at the Ferrero Foundation in Alba. The event will host the fifth edition of the international scientific conference ‘Successful aging 2021: strength and vulnerability of the elderly’, organized by the Ferrero Foundation in collaboration with the Turin Academy of Medicine, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan and the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. Under the high patronage of the European Parliament, the Healthy Aging Week 2021 offers 5 days of reflection on aging issues addressed to different audiences and with specific purposes, with interventions and contributions from international speakers in the field of medicine, scientific research and communication that will address, among others, issues such as Covid-19 in the elderly, immunosenescence, oncogeriatrics and social geriatrics.The Word Health Organization has proclaimed 2021-2030 the United Nations decade for healthy aging. It is a global collaboration that places seniors at the center of a plan that involves governments, civil society, international agencies, professionals, universities, the media and the private sector to improve the lives of seniors, their families and the communities in which they live. Populations around the world are aging faster than ever before, and this demographic transition impacts many aspects of society. There are more than 1 billion people aged 60 and over, most of whom live in low- and middle-income countries. It is important that the Decade of Healthy Aging leads to a change in the way we think and act about age and aging; to develop in the communities in which we live the promotion of the capacities of older people; to provide integrated care centered on the person and primary health services for the elderly; to provide access to long-term care. With these objectives, the Ferrero Foundation has launched, since the 1980s, a broad program of social and health services aimed at ‘Ferrero seniors’, that is, employees and retirees with at least 25 years of activity in the company, which is divided into several actions: promotion of physical activity, with courses aimed at preventing and combating the typical pathologies of aging, health monitoring with support actions (periodic visits, booking of exams, accompaniment) in clinical institutes and other health and rehabilitation structures, provision of multiple services voluntary work and social, cultural and scientific initiatives. The Foundation’s activity aims to ensure that all older people can realize their potential with dignity and equality and in a healthy environment, thus starting today, Monday 8 November, with ‘Good information extends life’, a refresher course for journalists in collaboration with the Piedmont Order of Journalists. There will be speeches by Telmo Pievani, professor of philosophy of biological sciences at the University of Padua, professor Matilde Leonardi and Erika Guastafierro, Fondazione Irccs Carlo Besta neurological institute in Milan, journalist and scientific writer Roberta Villa, professor Guendalina Graffigna , (director of EngageMinds Hub-Consumer & Health Research Center of the Catholic University based in Piacenza, and of Professor Giancarlo Isaia, president of the Turin Academy of Medicine. The aim of the day is a reflection dedicated to issues related to aging that takes into account the models of scientific and medical dissemination. Tuesday 9 November the symposium ‘Pediatricians, geriatricians and Life-Course Approach: two extremes meet’ will be dedicated to the convergence between pediatrics and geriatrics in search of physical and mental well-being that takes into account social, economic and environmental factors, alongside behavioral risk factors c he often cluster in the population, reflecting real life. The protagonists of the symposium will be Carlo Agostoni, director of Pediatrics of medium intensity of care at the Irccs Ca ‘Granda Foundation, Maggiore Policlinico hospital in Milan, Matteo Cesari, associate professor of Geriatrics at the University of Milan, Marco Canevelli of the National Center for the prevention of diseases and health promotion of the Higher Institute of Health, Marcel Rufo, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of Marseille, Nicola Montano of the Department of Clinical and Community Sciences of the University of Milan, Mikel Izquierdo del Navarrabiomed, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Ciber of Frailty and Halthy Aging, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Raanan Shamir professor of Pediatrics, Tel-Aviv University. ‘Oxidants and Antioxidants in Aging workshop will be held on Wednesday 10 November ‘of the international scientific society Oxygen Club of California which is dedicated to improving education and and to the promotion of research in the fields of oxidants, antioxidants, nutrition, micronutrients, free radicals in biology and medicine. The days of Thursday 11 and Friday 12 November will be dedicated to the scientific sessions of the conference ‘Successful aging: strength and vulnerability of the elderly’ and accredited in accordance with the ministerial regulations for continuing education in medicine, Ecm. The session dedicated to Covid-19 in the elderly will be opened by Athanase Benetos, president of the European Geriatric Medicine Society. He will be succeeded by the physicist Alessandro Vespignani, the infectious specialists Massimo Galli and Giovanni Di Perri, the immunologist Alberto Mantovani, the president of the Academy of Medicine of Turin Giancarlo Isaia. , will be Andrea Cossarizza, professor of General Pathology and Immunology at the University of Modena and Reggio, Rino Rappuoli microbiologist, Gold Medal of Merit for Public Health in 2005, Gianvito Martino, neuroscientist at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan, geriatrician Patrizia D’Amelio of the University of Lausanne. Friday 12 November in the Oncogeriatrics session Lorenzo Richiardi, director of the Center of Reference for Epidemiology and Cancer Revision of the University of Turin, Matti Aapro of the Genolier Cancer will discuss the topic Center, Massimo Collino, professor of Pharmacology at the University of Turin, Riccardo Torta full professor of Clinical psychology at the University of Turin, Alessandro Comandone, director of the complex structure of medical oncology of the ASL City of Turin. Talking about Social Geriatrics John Beard professor at the Arc Center for Excellence in Population Aging Research of the University of New South Wales in Australia, Marco Inzitari, director of Intermediate Care, Research and Teaching, Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili Hospital in Barcelona and Gilberto Turati , of the Faculty of Economics of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. The day will end with the reports of the winners of the Ferrero Foundation award, reserved for the best abstracts received. Finally, the day of Saturday 13th, entitled ‘Days that count’, will have an informative approach and will be destined for a wider and more heterogeneous audience. Participants Francesco De Bartolomeis, born in 1918, professor emeritus of Pedagogy at the University of Turin; Pulitzer Prize Jared Diamond, Professor of Geography at the University of California at Los Angeles (in video link from the United States); Veronica Ferrero, researcher at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Turin; Sergio Pecorelli, emeritus professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Brescia and president of the Lorenzini Milan-New York Foundation. To access the conference The days that count, you will need to book on www.fondazioneferrero.it. The dialogue will be streamed on the Foundation’s Facebook page on the www.fondazioneferrero.it streaming channel. Admission to all days of the Healty Aging Week 2021 is allowed to holders of a valid Green Pass. The complete program of the study days is available on the website www.fondazioneferrero.it. During the days of the conference, international guests of the Healthy Aging Week 2021 will be able to visit the Burri exhibition. The poetry of matter set up in the spaces of the Ferrero Foundation until January 30, 2022.

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