SURVEY OF GOVERNANCE OF GOVERNMENT: Slovaks trust Lengvarsky the most! The worst is Matovic –

Lengvarski is surveyed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Korčok (SaS nominee) in a survey of the credibility of members of the government with a confidence of 34.2 percent and a lack of confidence of 54.4 percent. The third in order is the Minister of the Environment Ján Budaj (OĽANO). 32 percent of respondents expressed confidence in it and 62.1 percent expressed distrust. This follows from the Focus agency survey for Markíza television, which was conducted from 20 to 27 October on a sample of 1,009 respondents.

Source: Reprofoto TV Markíza / Na telo

Matovic finished last

This is followed by Minister of Education Branislav Gröhling (SaS) with 30.9 percent confidence and 63.8 percent distrust. Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OĽANO) has 29.7 percent confidence and 67.5 percent distrust. Economy Minister Richard Sulík (SaS) finished the survey with 27.3 percent confidence and 70.2 percent distrust. Minister of Defense Jaroslav Naď (OĽANO) gained 26.6 percent confidence and 66.8 percent distrust. The Minister of Transport Andrej Doležal (nominated for We are a family) is trusted by 25.7 percent and 53.8 percent of people do not.

Government Credibility Survey: Slovaks

Source: Reprofoto TV Markíza / Na telo

Minister of Labor Milan Krajniak (We Are a Family) ended up in the survey with a gain of 23.4 percent trust and 72 percent distrust. 20.9 percent of the Minister of the Interior Roman Mikulec (OĽANO) trusts and 72.6 percent of the respondents do not. 20.6 percent of the Minister of Culture Natália Milanová (OĽANO) trusts and 58.2 percent does not. 20.1 percent of respondents trust Mary Kolíková and 75.1 percent do not.

Government Credibility Survey: Slovaks

Source: Reprofoto TV Markíza / Na telo

The last places in the ranking are the Minister of Agriculture Samuel Vlčan (OĽANO nominee) with a gain of confidence of 17.5 percent and distrust of 53.1 percent, the Minister of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization and Deputy Prime Minister Veronika Remišová (For People) with a confidence of 15.3 percent and distrust of 81.5 percent. The Deputy Prime Minister for Legislation, Štefan Holém (We Are a Family), expressed confidence in 12.9 percent and distrust in 57.8 percent of respondents. Matovic finished in last place with 11.3 percent confidence and 87.2 percent distrust.


Source: Reprofoto TV Markíza / Na telo

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