No Green pass Milan, insults and kicks to the journalist

“You are shit. Sold. Remove the ca ** or camera “. And then kicks, blows. Aggression against journalists yesterday by some no Green pass at the sixteenth in a row procession organized in Milan. The moments of tension were born even before the start of the event, in Piazza Fontana, and then continued in the streets of the city. Read also “The first tensions arose immediately, in Piazza Fontana, the meeting place of the procession – reads an article by – ​​From the search for a ‘head to head’, to a ‘terrorist journalist’, screamed at a palm from the face, strictly without a mask. Then the personal offenses, ‘you’re a shit’, to which the journalist replied asking why, without receiving any further response. But it is near Piazza Duomo that a man, noticing the operator who was filming the moving procession, tried to snatch the video camera from his hand. Promptly dismissed, he began shouting ‘sold, sold’, in the direction of the reporters, before intimating to ‘remove the camera’. Then there was a demonstrator who exclaimed: ‘Enough, don’t come by anymore, they don’t want you. You are here to put the weeds, better not ‘. And in fact, the demonstrators continued to make it clear that was not welcome, with kicks and blows to reporters, strictly given in secret, from afar. One of them, however, was seen and the Digos agents removed him from the march to identify him “.” The sixteenth Saturday in a row of protest took place with an attempt by the march to vary the route according to the prerogatives of the demonstrators Arrived in corso XXII Marzo, part of the serpentone took via Spartaco among the cars that were running – it still reads – There, however, they noticed the policemen, so they decided to retrace their steps but were closed by the police squad who identified them one by one. Sixty of them were reported, ten taken to the Police Headquarters and two received the expulsion order for a year. In total, the police reported three hundred participants in yesterday’s no green pass march “.

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